Few people know this but it’s incredibly easy to become a cop. Hell, it’s easier than becoming a middle school gym teacher, but hey, we…
A young man came up to me while I was golfing yesterday, and said, “Mr. Trump, your Nazi socialist secret police force is,” blah blah…
Welcome to the liberal USA, where good honest folks are bullied into believing the democrat agenda. All because we don’t hold the same views about…
A couple of weeks back our office was shaken when a strange mass of blue energy suddenly appeared and exploded next to our most recently…
Joe Rogan is in danger of being canceled and we cannot let this happen. Canceling a voice like Joe Rogan’s is a slippery slope to…
When it comes to modern social issues, there are some racist white men who simply cannot see the light. And that’s probably because they’re wearing…
As a white woman, I’m uniquely able to take this time to listen and to learn. I’m able to, and I probably should. But—and this…
With activists across the country protesting racial inequality and police violence, The Hard Times decided to sit down with police whistleblower Kelly McAllen to hear…
America is more divided than ever on the issue of policing and frustrations are at a boiling point as we watch clashes between protesters and…
During the past couple of weeks, the national conversation has included discussion of proper ways of displaying confederate statues. There have been multiple cases of…
Everyone knows I’m rebellious. I wear it on my sleeve. More specifically, on my knuckles. When my buddies and I got drunk at Steve’s and…

Opinion: The Virus Doesn’t Care What Race You Are, but the Government Does so Some of You Are Fucked
All people must unify now! Dammit, this virus doesn’t care what your race is! It will harm you and your loved ones indiscriminately. The United…
NASHVILLE, Tenn. — Militant renaissance man Jack White filed his 2020 tax return on vinyl in a move that’s thrilling high-fidelity taxpayers, according to sources…
When fighting for a cause it’s important to keep ourselves in check. We must ask one another important questions like, “How are we affecting real…