Released in 1994, Little Giants is the classic underdog story of a misfit football team overcoming the odds to defeat their more talented opponents with…
KINGS PARK, N.Y. — Local punk Joe Ricchio finally bonded with his fanatical sports fan father last week, thanks to the multiple self-inflicted head injuries…
Hey, we get it- you’re not into sports. That’s cool. But what’s not cool is how every year you see people around you getting all…
TOWSON, Md. — Noted anarchist and father Conor “Red” Hampton spent a wholesome afternoon yesterday teaching his 12-year-old son Dennis the ideal technique for throwing…
I’m just hearing about this and I’m totally confused — people apparently watch other people play sports on live streams from their computers, TVs, and…
TUCSON, Ariz. — Punk dad Tom Fogelberg watched proudly from the bleachers on Thursday night as his son Jaxon “completely and utterly sucked” at playing…
Sony Interactive Entertainment was kind enough to send our staff a copy of their upcoming game MLB The Show 19 for review, but we didn’t…
ATLANTA — New England Patriots head coach Bill Belichick will set yet another NFL record during the halftime show at Super Bowl LIII on Sunday,…
Fuck God. I never thought I would think those words let alone say them, I’ve been to church every Sunday since I was 8 years…
DENTON, Texas — Emo punks Racquetball held a press conference last night to announce that they have never played the sport their band is named…
You’re standing alone at the family get together. Your little cousin walks up to you and makes eye contact and… yep, god dammit, he wants…
MAITLAND, Fl. — In a major change for the incredibly successful series, player avatars in Madden 19 will reportedly feature legs without knees, a response…
I’m so tired of hearing people say that professional wrestling is fake. These men and women put their blood, sweat, and steroids into this profession.…
CHARLOTTE, N.C.— Following the surprising announcement that the Carolina Panthers will be put up for sale in the wake sexual harassment allegations against team owner…