How much longer until you open your eyes? It’s like you all voluntarily refuse to see reality. There is an entire world out there of…
BOSTON — A new report out of the New England Conservatory of Music suggests that classic rock band Boston’s hit song “More Than A Feeling”…
Bees: They’re one of the most important components of our delicate ecosystem. Bees naturally pollinate the crops that human beings depend on for food, a…
Climate change is a mounting threat to humanity’s future. However, while we’re all pitching in to help solve the problem, some people don’t even acknowledge…
PHILADELPHIA — A new study from the University of Pennsylvania revealed that the findings from their last study could not be more undeniably wrong. “We…
CLEVELAND — A study by social anthropologists at Case Western Reserve University confirmed that the boys are back in town, ending decades of speculation about their…
Every day, as our world becomes increasingly more globalized, we are bombarded with information from around the planet. Anything we want to know is…
MANHATTAN BEACH, Calif. — Milo Aukerman, licensed biochemist and lead singer of seminal punk band the Descendents, announced that he will return to college to…
JONES BEACH, N.Y. — A three-mile-long trash heap of discarded show flyers is floating off the coast of Long Island, oceanographers have confirmed. The scientists…
Every once in awhile scientists will make a discovery so shocking, so unbelievable, that we are left pondering whether we are living in science fact…
LOS ANGELES – Researchers from the University of California, Los Angeles released a startling report this morning stating that, despite public outcry, celebrities will continue…
CAMBRIDGE, England — A new study launched by Cambridge University may make extraordinary leaps forward for many fields of science with the discovery of a…
SANTA CRUZ, Calif. — Scientists at the University of California-Santa Cruz revealed this morning that, after extensive research and clinical trials, they have discovered a…
DENVER — Local punk couple Deanna and Paul Melun believe their 15-month-old son’s terrible taste in music is directly linked to the vaccinations their child received,…
SIOUX FALLS, S.D. – A local researcher with a self-proclaimed “vast, encyclopedic knowledge of punk rock” claims to have unearthed definitive evidence that music isn’t…