DENVER — Self-described “stoner-tech” metal band Great Barrier Reef revealed today their plans to write a song in a 4/20 time signature, which would be…
OAKLAND, Calif. — Concerned parties launched an investigation earlier this week in hopes of determining whether or not Jeremy Orlav, drummer for local pop-punk sensation…
All right, listen up. We got a pretty big problem, what with all of this passive-aggressive drama going down… and I, for one, am sick…
SANTA CRUZ, Calif. — Local normie girlfriend Amanda James unveiled a bizarre, somewhat punk-themed arts and crafts disaster of a birthday present today, confirmed sources…
DETROIT – Dating in the internet age can be intimidating for even the most experienced and tech-savvy bachelors, but local punk and pseudo-activist Dave Fielder…
NEW YORK — 26-year-old Michael Reyder reportedly had his mind blown late last night after quickly using the women’s restroom at the Blarespace DIY music…
BROOKLYN, N.Y. – A bouncer at the Heart House allegedly infuriated one concert-goer earlier this week after confiscating what was hesitantly described as “back medicine”…
AUSTIN, Texas – A Craigslist ‘for sale’ ad sparked interest in the local music community earlier this week as one man, who is definitely not…
BOSTON – Renowned hardcore enthusiast Charles Pope was acquitted on all charges of assault and battery earlier today after his lawyer cited the landmark 1992…
ROHNERT PARK, Calif. – Management of the Moxie Java Café called local police early Friday morning when Ross Farrar, vocalist of the band Ceremony, grew…
ATLANTA, Ga. – Candace Singleton, the lead vocalist of local hardcore band Charmers Almanac, has been fighting back against an internet troll that has harassed…
AUSTIN, Texas — Sleep-deprived insurrectionist Terrence Dravenstatt finally achieved a good night’s rest last night after using a modified version of the traditional insomnia cure…