NASHVILLE, Tenn. — The embattled country group formerly known as Lady Antebellum, and more recently Lady A, has finally settled on a new name and…
WASHINGTON — Representatives for the popular NFL team based in Washington, D.C. claimed today that they only used their long-standing team nickname as a strategy…
WILLIMANTIC, Conn. — Emo revival favorites The World Is a Beautiful Place & I Am No Longer Afraid to Die are reportedly considering a name…
LAS VEGAS — Local woman Veronica Freeman set a new record at the annual RollerCon last week, giving herself a roller derby name with four…
CLOVIS, N.M. — In recognition of a typo made by a friend in a group chat, Kenny Boskins has named his firstborn son Sellular Dada…
CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. — Local guitarist Joel Svensson admitted yesterday that he bought the recently released JHS OrcGrinder pedal primarily based on its cool name and…
CINCINNATI — Local band Circus Warfare last week took in their fourth new drummer within the past year, but have yet to name her to…
VERO BEACH, Fla. — Groom-to-be Anthony Minor realized last week that he has no idea what his close friend’s real first name is, second-hand-embarrassed sources…
DENTON, Texas — Emo punks Racquetball held a press conference last night to announce that they have never played the sport their band is named…
SEA RANCH, Calif. — A recent study confirmed that every single password created with online music company Bandcamp is comprised of just the name of…
WASHINGTON — A new gastropub in the Bloomingdale neighborhood is “probably going to be named Hook & Barley or something stupid like that,” nearby residents…
CHICAGO — Impish, iconoclastic musician Björk utterly vanished in plain sight last night after allegedly being tricked into uttering “kröjb” aloud during her concert, several…
PHILADELPHIA – Reporter Bradley Gufftaw turned the world of music journalism on its heels yesterday during an impromptu interview of hardcore band Boston Bred, asking…
SEATTLE — The dismal sales of a T-shirt featuring an amazing design were blamed on the inclusion of the band name Love Drinking Pee-Pee, potential…