CHICAGO — A new meandering voicemail from your dealer indicated that “Donnie Darko is still the movie you absolutely must see in order to understand…
WASHINGTON — Following the Supreme Court’s 6-3 decision to strike down President Biden’s debt relief program, Justice Clarence Thomas released a statement saying students should…
SYRACUSE, N.Y. — Local worry-stricken mother Deborah Gale is desperately pleading with her adult son Stephen Gale to leave his New York City apartment for…
LONDON — King Charles recently decided enough time has finally passed to have the Queen’s beloved corgis formally executed in a public beheading, not totally…
LAS VEGAS — Punk Rock Museum attendee Keith Pauline admitted to being a bit confused about the origins of a pile of vomit in the…
STERLING, Va. — Well-meaning local mother Marla-Sue Crenna reportedly left a record-breaking lull in the story she was in the middle of telling as she…
WEST CHESTER, Penn. — Self-proclaimed “DIY bro” Clifton Mansfield reportedly concocted a convoluted and completely fictitious backstory as to how he discovered his favorite new…
LOS ANGELES — Internet commenters who enjoy wasting their valuable time leaving snide remarks on social media posts by canned beverage purveyors Liquid Death were…
WASHINGTON — Local man Michael Korey spent the last couple of days frantically searching for a second job after seeing multiple Goldendoodles around his neighborhood,…
PORTLAND, Ore. — Local record store Death and Waxes added “staff pick” signs at certain urinals in their restroom to let customers know which ones…
PARIS, France — Daft Punk reportedly re-joined forces after officially disbanding in 2021 in order to collaborate with manufacturing giants 3M on a new collection…
DETROIT – Members of the 17-day-old Which Hunt Artist Collective have confirmed that they have not only disbanded but fully intend on “hating each other’s…
NEW YORK – A local BDSM play party took a turn for the stressful when dominant “Silvan E” absentmindedly fed Nutella to their puppy play…