It seems ever since it’s birth, the debate has waged as to whether or not punk is dead. There are those that will point to…
It takes courage to shed your own privilege and walk a mile in another’s less fortunate (but admittedly stylish) shoes. Last fall, I did exactly…
Going vegan 6 months ago was the best decision you ever made and you’ve made sure to let EVERYONE know it. Sure, you might have lost…
A big part of our job here at Hard Style is to introduce our readers exciting new bands (ever since those bands offered to pay…
Hey guys… have I offended you by saying, “guys” and not, “respecting your gender pronouns?” Well tough shit, because I don’t buy into all that…
All serious music fans know that 27 is the best age to publicly horribly, avoidably flame out: Kurt Cobain, Amy Winehouse, Jimi Hendrix, Jim Morrison,…
Body modifications have long been a part of punk culture. From the safety pin piercings of the early days, to the multi-million dollar tattoo industry…
Get ready to be inspired. Some people might think that getting into punk is a road to nowhere but they haven’t met Dave Berkely, the…
I’m so sick of all the social justice warriors out there peddling their bullshit about there being a whole spectrum of musical genres. These snowflakes…
“Suck My Ass it Smells” is mid-period gem composed by an artistically fully matured G.G. Allin. The song’s simple yet evocative lyrics were born of…
Move over El Chapo, there’s a new kingpin in town and he’s going to melt your heart! Jake Grenier got into selling cocaine for the…
Ever since early man first started fucking around on guitar, punk music has been reducible to three essential power chords. This trinity comprises the substrate…
Not everyone can make it in this city. It’s a big town full of big dreams, and I’d like to say it’s easy around here,…