I believe in free speech. So I know in this politically correct society we live in, at some point someone will call me a racist.…
Too Far! Some Liberal Snowflake Made Fun of Something I Like
Anyone who knows me knows that I love a good joke. Poking a little fun at someone else’s expense is always good for a chuckle.…
Sometimes you come across a story that is just so inspiring, you have to say, “Wow, that’s pretty neat.” After weeks of depressing stories about…
You Need to Stop Using the Word ‘Dumb,’ It’s Offensive to Absolute Fucking Morons
We’ve all been out with friends when someone makes a silly mistake and a friend (who you would otherwise consider a good person) uses the…
As an Ally I Only Masturbate to Pornography Featuring POC
In my day to day life I do whatever I can to be an advocate for marginalized communities in America. As a straight white male…
I Believe in Safe Spaces and I Will Kill for That Belief
I believe very strongly in the concept of safe spaces in the underground music scene. It’s imperative for all venues in this scene to be…
It seems like you can’t turn on a TV or scroll your Facebook feed these days without hearing about transparency. “Transparency is what our country…
5 Problematic Couches That Made Me Feel Uncomfortable
You would think in 2017 this wouldn’t be an issue anymore. Yet, here I am sitting on yet another problematic couch that is making me…
How a DIY Asymmetrical Haircut Helped Me Eliminate My White Privilege
It was an easy choice for me. After becoming #WOKE to the evils people with white skin have committed, I knew I could no longer…
Don’t Let These Hands In The Air Fool You, I Care About Plenty!
Hey party people! I see you came to the hip-hop concert too. I love hip-hop. You’ll notice I called it hip-hop and not rap. A…
Freedom of speech is one of the greatest tenets of American life. Regardless of political affiliation, no true American takes their first amendment rights for…
We Interviewed the Actor Who Plays Milo Yiannopoulos
Bobby Fischer once said, “Chess and me, it’s hard to take them apart. It’s like my alter ego.” When I met with actor/comedian Mark Lindsay…
Mythical Coffee is all about coffee and inclusion. That is why our new policy is that all refugees are always welcome in our café so…
For the socially conscious white person, knowing how to be an ally for people of color during this turbulent time can be uncomfortable and confusing.…
Top 5 Labels to Boycott for Not Signing My Band
You’d think that by now (especially in the punk scene) there wouldn’t be so many labels that think it’s OK to not sign my band.…