Every year, thousands of animals are forced into cosmetic testing. Most of them endure sickness and poor living conditions just to look mid. Here’s why…
Are you stuck wasting your life in a dead-end job? Is the most fulfilling part of your week when your Gen-Z coworkers listen to you…

CVS Worker Receives Blank Stare After Asking Woman How She Is Doing in Semi-Permanent Hair Dye Aisle
GREEN BROOK, N.J. — CVS employee Martin Jackson received a harrowingly blank stare from a customer after naively asking how she was doing while she…
Is your sister pissing you off? Are you in charge of her toddler for the next six hours while she gets sloppy wasted at girl’s…
BONN, Germany — CEO of candy company Haribo, Hans-Guido Riegel, announced yesterday that the company will expand its line of candies to include gummy twinks…
Spring is finally in full bloom and combat boots are the hottest trend of the season. Here are 10 styles of combat boots that are…
HILLSBOROUGH, N.J. — Local party-goer and person seemingly in need of some “quiet time,” Katherine Gallagher, is being asked by those around her to “take…
WARREN, N.J. — Local punk drummer Brad “The Worm” Jones reportedly advocates for wealth redistribution and violence against the rich with the exception of current…