SOMERVILLE, Mass. — Graphic Designer Terry Spinoza recently spent nearly two thousand dollars on an Audio Perfektion turntable in order to listen to his collection…
BROOKLYN, N.Y.— Local audiophile Shelby Hastings reportedly ended a promising Tinder date prematurely last night after accepting an invite up to Daniel Estrada’s apartment and…
NEW YORK — Registered audiophile Marshal Pengram was forced to identify himself to his new neighbors again last week, a routine he has repeated every…
BALTIMORE — Local record store owner Dawn Rawlings is starting a needle exchange program for vinyl addicts, hoping to contain the audiophilia epidemic ravaging her…
NEW YORK — Up-and-coming noise duo Antiverb released their debut EP General Purpose today, a controversial new album most notable for consisting of a single…
SEATTLE — Local music connoisseur Dominic Wyatt announced earlier today that “nothing quite compares to the pure, warm tone” of his own voice informing people that…
NEW HAVEN, CT – Local record collector Alex Herrman announced his intention earlier this week to purchase his first turntable, with which he may potentially…