It’s strange how some situations can mirror others almost exactly. For example, a tennis match can look indecipherable from a pickleball match to an outsider.…
Now that we’re in the throes of Spooky Season, it can be so easy to be caught up in the festivities you forget about your…
As tensions across the globe rise into unprecedented levels of intense technological advancement mixed with the takedown of free will of any kind, we might…
Hybrid cars sure are nifty! Being able to run on gas or battery power is perfect for people who feel kind of bad about exhaust…
When you meet a new person, it can be hard to get a read on them. Is he an intellectual, or just wearing glasses? Do…
After all the years of bad first dates and bookended relationships, you finally found your twin flame. Who could have guessed your cosmic counterpart would…
New York City’s Greenwich Village is one of the most storied counterculture landmarks in modern history and also the site of deadliest industrial accidents of…
CUMBERLAND, Md. — Self-described “trivia nut” Nick Fostenbury believed he correctly identified the four members of the folk-rock band Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young at…
Imposter syndrome is a real thing and can prevent you from achieving your dreams, no matter how weird and stupid they are. Too many people…
Nowadays, Hip-hop and R&B are intrinsically connected, rap songs regularly feature soulful hooks over samples and nearly all pop songs have an MC do a…
Life imitates art. Or is that the other way around? Regardless, whichever way it works out just hope that, unlike Bright Eyes, your art doesn’t…
The original “Scream” is a must-see horror classic that still terrifies audiences today, mainly because it’s so true to life. I can sleep comfortably after…
“Move it, football head!” For some, this iconic line immediately evokes memories of the classic Nickelodeon cartoon ‘Hey Arnold!’–starring a far-out New York pre-teen named…
Renting a property can be a minefield. If it’s the only option available to you, the best case scenario is to find a landlord who…
Marijuana use is on the rise, and while it’s completely harmless and fun for you to consume, to a child with a still developing mind,…