Oh, that’s a nice Weezer shirt you’ve got. You must really know their stuff if you’re wearing their merch. Well, why don’t you prove it?…
You’re back at your date’s place and if the natural order of things follows, a Baltimore Handshake lies wait in his immediate future. You should’ve…
So you matched with not one, not two but all five members of the jam band Goose on a dating app. You’re probably feeling a…
So you think it might be time for dear old MeeMaw to head to the pearly gates. She’s like 103, after all! Not to mention…
You may think it won’t happen to you, but no band is safe. At any moment your bassist could receive a Musician’s Friend catalog in…
Well, my dream came true last night! After over a decade of shitty shows in shitty clubs, my band finally opened for our idols, “Ms.…
As a progressive leftist, I want to start by apologizing. I am so, so sorry. Ever since accidentally taking a sip of Black Rifle Coffee’s…
Following his recording of three drum tracks for local pop-punk group Exploding Eye Sockets, drummer and session musician Jim Friedman was reportedly acting all cute,…
Look, I know it’s a big corporate chain, but the vinyl selection at this Target is complete bullshit. Where are all the old, weird albums…
Guess who released just some goofy experimental horseshit? My ex-favorite band. And guess who they didn’t consult before changing their sound? Me. How the fuck…
Another track in the bag! I worked my ass off writing and recording that stellar blend of original riffs and lyrics and I was so…
Choosing the wrong engineer for your album might ruin your music. My band, Butt Age, found that out the hard way when we hired the…
The weekend’s finally here and you deserve a wild night at the Missouri State Fair. You got your leather boots oiled up and the brim…
When it comes to education, all you hear about these days are budget cuts, budget cuts, and more budget cuts. As our schools put funds…