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If You’re Thinking All the Stamina it Takes to be a Death Metal Drummer Translates to the Bedroom, Well, You Couldn’t be More Wrong

I know that anytime you go to a metal show and focus in on the drummer pounding away on the skins at 250 beats per minute, you must be thinking, “Wow, that guy has been going a million miles an hour all night, I bet he’s a real animal in the sack.” You would be correct if by “animal,” you mean “an extremely winded sloth-like creature desperately seeking water and a place to pass out.” In other words, don’t let the blast beats fool you.

It’s a pain I know all too well I’m afraid. Being the victim of the “death metal drummer who must be an endless sex machine” stereotype, that is. Curious onlookers immediately assume that just because I can blast through a cover of “Devoured by Vermin” without breaking a sweat, that must mean that I could give them the best sex of their lives. That kind of pressure alone is enough to break a man when “getting down to business!” When I see the disappointed look on their face 40 seconds into bumping uglies, and they see my beat-red, lifeless body laying there, I just know they’re thinking, “Oh my god, Should I call 911?” They then realize I’m hardly the George Kollias in the sack they assumed I’d be.

Some people have told me it might help if I turn on a box fan and have it pointing at me during sex so I can cool down a bit like I do on stage. I’ve tried, and it doesn’t help. The fan just becomes another witness to be inability to pleasure my sexual partner.

Death metal drummers aren’t the only type of person this happens to however. I like to take solace in the fact that I’ve known guys who skateboard who go through this as well. Women think, “Wow, look how high he can kickflip, he’s probably really good at sex!” When in reality, the act of skateboarding has shaken their genitals so much it renders them completely useless, and the amount of times they’ve credit-carding themselves, most of them have given up sex altogether. These are the prices we pay for having “cool” hobbies in our 30s.

So next time you’re eyeing some stud behind the kit, don’t just go assuming things. Sure, his double-bass abilities might make him seem like an unstoppable, uber-stamina-possessing sexpot, but chances are, you get him in bed, he’ll undoubtedly have you reaching for the defibrillators in an unpleasantly short amount of time.