CHICAGO — Local 10-year-old Jake Marshall got a surprising glimpse into adulthood during Take Your Child to Work Day when he discovered that his father,…
Son, I remember what times were like when I was your age: the school crushes, the long, agonizing classes, the “locker room talk”…but maybe most…
WASHINGTON — In a reversal of his previous pledge not to interfere with the sentencing, President Joe Biden has pardoned Hunter Biden after an aid…
So, get this—I’m on GoodReads to rate the book I just finished reading. (If you’re curious, it was “The Diary of Anne Frank” and I…
Listen, I’ll grant that you’ve made some salient points here. However, I still feel like I’ve seen plenty of evidence to the contrary, and the…
RICHMOND, Va. — Avid punk and reluctant father, John Husk Sr., looked stunningly glowing during his son’s first-ever court appearance yesterday for assaulting three officers,…
PHILADELPHIA – Local Burnout John Parker admitted he wasn’t surprised to receive an exclusive text from his dad today offering a job that he should…
TOPEKA, Kan. — Local guitarist Austin Henderson is reportedly fed up with his father calling his lifelong dream of making a living as a musician…
DETROIT — Local mother Sheryl Carter purchased her 30-year-old Juggalo son a big red clown nose and a pair of cartoonishly large shoes in a…
LANCASTER, Penn. — Local punk Jason Harris was disappointed that he is unable to bond with his father over their shared hatred of Joe Biden…