Look at you, so brave getting a haircut from a real barber! What a self-care win for you! Let’s just get a few things straight—yes,…
Rockabilly Band Dips Instruments in Barbicide After Set
BRANSON, Mo. — Rockabilly band The Soda Jerks dunked all of their instruments in a giant vat of Barbicide following their set last night in…
BELLEFONTE, Pa. — A customer at Quik Cuts Barber Shop cast an aching stare at a neighboring silent barber/customer pair while having his hair, and…
BROOKLYN, N.Y. — Local man Mike Jankowski waited until his haircut was safely completed Thursday evening before attempting to stop to his barber’s hateful political…
Hardcore Sorting Hat Places Punk Into “Hockey Fan” House Despite Preference for “Barber” House
WHITMAN, Mass. — Local punk Bobby Deitz was disappointed last Friday by the Hardcore Sorting Hat, which placed him into the “Hockey Fan” house despite…
Tattooed Barber Excited to Give Everyone That One Haircut Today
PHILADELPHIA — Heavily tattooed barber Rob Moreno was reportedly “stoked” Saturday morning to give everyone the same style undercut at Brush & Steel, his trendy…
Be Cool: My Barber Might Be There Tonight
Before we leave the house I need everyone to be on the same page: My barber might be there tonight. If any of you fuck this…
We Gave Die Antwoord Haircuts to Several Animals at This Local Shelter and Not a Single One Was Adopted
Here at The Hard Times we’re always looking for ways to give back to the community. It was recently brought to our attention that animal…
New Haircut Apparently Not Worthy Of Instagram Post By Barber
OAKLAND, Calif. – Faithful “Old School Barbershop” customer Bill Harper was saddened to learn his most recent haircut, like the dozens done for him at…