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Six Songs We’re Listening To This Week To Escape The General Malaise of Modern Life

Yet another lifeless week has passed you by without fanfare. While you’ve tried to keep a cool head about it, you feel your relevancy and cultural intelligence fading fast. You might not know what to do about it, but we have an idea. It’s called music and literally dozens of people are listening to it right now, blissfully unaware of your tasteless and boring existence. We can’t stand to see you get left behind, so we’ve compiled six new tracks for you to cram into your earholes this instant. Give them a listen and send us a thank you card when your friends start speaking to you again.

Los Campesinos! “A Psychic Wound”

Earlier this week, Los Campesinos! shocked fans with the release of their first new song in almost a decade. As if that wasn’t enough, they doubled up and released yet another certified banger, ‘A Psychic Wound,’ just a few days later. We had a whole thing written up for their previous single, ‘Feast of Tongues.’ We were going to scold you for your English degree and make fun of you for not being able to dance. At the rate LC! is releasing tracks, though, we decided to stay on the safe side and save the A-material for when they drop ten more singles next week or something.

Another Michael “I’m Your Roommate”

If our roommate was even half as dreamy as Philadelphia’s dream-pop duo ‘Another Michael,’ we probably wouldn’t care as much about the fact that they never do their dishes. We might also forgive them for owing us nearly 4,000 dollars. Until they get their shit together or we gather the courage to kick them out, we’ll have to listen to the aforementioned band’s latest single ‘I’m Your Roommate’ and pretend we never answered that Craigslist ad several years ago.

White Reaper/Spiritual Cramp Split

Though our dirtbag roommate is currently three weeks late on rent, they’ve been in an exceptionally chipper mood lately. This is because White Reaper and Spiritual Cramp released a split single this week. We’re not gonna say it doesn’t rip, but we are concerned with how much our roomie has been singing lines like ‘suck the life out of the oxygen’ and ‘things are getting pretty bad.’ At least both songs are catchy as hell, we guess.

Dear Francis “Touchdown (4-Track)”

Jennifer Calvin of Mika Miko and Bleached recently announced her solo project ‘Dear Francis’ and released a bedroom recording entitled ‘Touchdown.’ With its wispy vocals reminiscent of Elliott Smith armed with more sports metaphors, the track offers a subdued version of Calvin’s more brash offerings in her respective bands. Imagine if your voice memo song ideas were actually compelling and you’ll have a good idea of what this sounds like.

The Blood Brothers “Trash Flavored Trash”

Throughout the week, 911 calls rose by about 1000% as EMS crews worked tirelessly to free well-meaning but aged citizens from their skinny jeans and youth medium tee shirts. The rise of dangerously constrictive clothing incidents probably has something to do with the fact that The Blood Brothers announced their first tour since their brief reunion in 2014. If you plan on catching them out this fall, maybe don’t tell your therapist.

Too lazy to make your own playlist? Yeah, we thought so. That’s why we’ve taken the time to do it for you. You’ll find these songs and countless others by clicking here. Be sure to give it a follow or like or whatever Spotify is calling it now so you always have a way of tricking your loved ones into thinking you finally have good taste.