You’re sitting at a Mexican restaurant with some friends trying to enjoy a veggie fajita when out of the corner of your eye you spot…
We’re Not Going to Pander to You With a Hot Take on Louis CK. Instead, Here’s 125 of Them
By Ed Saincome
Louis CK has returned to the stage and the internet is predictably ablaze. Rather than participate in the spectacle with a click grabbing hot take…
Top 5 Alternatives to “Nice Set, Dude!”
By Mark Hassenfratz
We’ve all been there before: you just saw an up-and-coming band have a rough set and you want to support them without seeming fake. Many…
When it comes to the arena of corporate social media presence, savvy consumers know there’s only one contender for roast master. Wendy’s has a reputation…
Awards season is finally over so it’s time to stop pretending you saw Phantom Thread and get back to the trash we all love! Netflix…
PHILADELPHIA — While many mark the end of another year with champagne and tipsy renditions of ‘Auld Lang Syne,’ Philadelphia punks know the year isn’t…