I knew going into the office kitchenette was a mistake. I foolishly exchanged pleasantries with someone from accounting, I think his name is Harold but…
Hello! I hope now works for a quick phone call. It always feels better to talk instead of text if you ask me. And I…
It’s not every day you stumble upon someone with the ability to read others’ emotions, people who have a keen understanding of the human psyche.…
I’d been in a serious rut lately and didn’t know why. Every day was feeling like a repeat of the one before it. But I…
Imagine if you will: a cold, unfeeling machine with a badge and a gun. A law enforcement automaton incapable of reason or compromise. Driven by…
A lot of people look at me and see a stay-at-home mama with two beautiful, healthy babies, a home, a hubby, and, yes, flawless white…
An empath, as I explain to every single person I meet, is a person who is extraordinarily sensitive to the feelings of those around them.…