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7 Must Have Songs For Your Abortion Road Trip Playlist

Do you have a mass of cells in your reproductive organs that you need to stop from replicating but live in a state that withholds reproductive healthcare? I’ve got three words for you:


When you’re filled to the brim with a sacred feminine rage stoked by centuries of oppression nothing soothes the soul like a long drive and a totally kick ass playlist. Whether your journey will take you to a medical clinic across state lines or to a steep set of stairs behind the Walgreens at the edge of town (we hope it’s the former), these pro-choice anthems will give you the strength to soldier on.

Bikini Kill “Suck My Left One”

Whether this was an easy choice or a heartbreaking one, having an abortion is not something anyone WANTS to do. It’s a necessity, no matter the reason, and nobody should have to travel great lengths or go through a bunch of bullshit red tape to get it done. Roll down your window and release your rage as you belt out the lyrics to ‘90s classic “Suck My Left One” and feel the solidarity with bad bitch and feminist icon, Kathleen Hanna. Nobody will be sucking YOUR left or right one, unless you want them to be.

The Coathangers “Watch Your Back”

Aptly named for their pro-choice beliefs, The Coathangers have so many good songs that it’s hard to choose just one. Watch Your Back has a buoyant, unpredictable beat worthy of any roadtrip playlist.

Fugazi “Reclamation”

Another oldie but goodie, long-time proponent of reproductive rights Fugazi never fails to deliver and an abortion roadtrip just wouldn’t be right without giving them their due. “These are our demands: We want control of our bodies.” Fuck yea.

Bad Cop, Bad Cop “Womananarchist”

“Womananarchist” mixes rage with a hopeful winning spirit that will have you envision up-ending outdoor bathtubs filled with limp-dicked politicians popping boner pills. Just imagine their wrinkled bodies slipping off a cliff at sunset as you stand, victorious, with your right to choose intact.

Dream Nails “Vagina Police”

London-based Dream Nails has a lineup of unapologetic feminist-punk works that they claim to be more hexes than songs. Fire up “Vagina Police” and hope the spell it casts shields you from the watchful eyes of any law enforcement that may pull you over and force you to show your menstruation records.

Bad Religion “American Jesus”

If an all-powerful, absentee father can sacrifice his fully grown child to atone for the sins of the imperfect humans that he himself created and then bring that child back to life only to let him die a second time you can certainly excavate a clump of insentient fetal cells from your womb for whatever reason you see fit because that shit doesn’t add up.

NOFX “You’re Wrong”

Every roadtrip could use a little acoustic break and whether or not you agree with everything NOFX sanctions as wrong/right I think we can all agree here that calling Ann Coulter a cunted cunt is hilariously right and limiting your right to choose is wrong.