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50 Slasher Villains That Would Still Make a Better Father Than Mine

20. Death Itself “Final Destination”

Not a great dad, but it’s consistent.

19. Andrew Garth “Hell Night”

According to town legend, Andrew’s dad went crazy and murdered his entire family, except for Andrew. I’m the only boy in my family so if that’s Andrew’s parenting style I’ll roll the dice.

18. Kenny Hampson “Terror Train”

My dad would never wear a Halloween costume, Kenny wears like five!

17. Alex Hammond “Prom Night”

Anyone hell-bent on avenging a fallen family member ranks high here. I once almost drowned due to a camp counselor’s neglect and my dad bought them a 6 pack for all the trouble I caused them.

16. Daddy “The People Under The Stairs”

He wouldn’t be the first leather-clad man I’ve attempted to work out my issues with.

15. Michael Myers “Halloween”

He may not express it in the healthiest way, but family means a lot to Michael.

14. Ben Willis “I Know What You Did Last Summer”

Solid father/son relationship right here. When Ben recruits his son to help him get revenge on the teens who left him for dead, they work together. When my dad wanted “help” with shit like painting the fence, he meant “You do it.”

13. Jason Voorhees “Friday The 13th” Franchise

The only family Jason ever had was his mother, so we have to assume that if you were his kid he would treat you like he treated her. If anyone ever hurt you he would kill them, and then everyone else in the world one by one forever.

12. Grandpa “The Texas Chainsaw Massacre”

Even with his faculties waning to the point that you would swear he is a decomposing corpse, Grandpa still tries to do his part in getting supper ready. My dad is completely physically able and almost every memory I have of him is him yelling on a couch.

11. Angela “Sleepaway Camp”

Between Sleepaway Camp 1 and 2, Angela goes from being a meek, shell-shocked wallflower murderer to being an upbeat, well-adjusted happy murderer. Her commitment to personal growth assures that she would make a great parent.

10. Leslie Vernon “Behind The Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon”

I wish my dad was as passionate about anything as Leslie is about killing. He may be young, but he’s going to make a great dad one day. Probably around the third or fourth sequel.

9. Billy Loomis “Scream”

When we first meet Billy he’s far from paternal. He’s young, he’s kind of a brat, and he’s committing a bunch of murders to torture his girlfriend. Ghost Billy, however, is hell-bent on bonding with his kid.

8. Captain Spaulding “House of 1000 Corpses”

He might not like his kids, but his actions show he loves them.

7. Chucky “Child’s Play”

Is Chucky a dad? Yes. Is he father of the year? Absolutely not. But does he try to teach his child things (murder,) and at least begrudgingly accept their alternative gender identity and lifestyle? Yes, he sort of does, and from that generation that’s about as good as you get.

6. Evil “New Year’s Evil”

Richard feels that his new wave VJ wife doesn’t pay enough attention to their son and his budding acting career. So what does he do? He adopts the persona “Evil,” staging a series of murders across the country, one for each time zone at the stroke of midnight on New Year’s Eve, ruining his wife’s broadcast and culminating in her attempted murder. It’s not nice, it’s certainly not effective, but at least in his heart Evil is trying to be a good dad.

5. Ed Harley “Pumpkinhead”

There is no greater act of love a father can show a son than avenging their death. Ed made an unholy pact with a demon to settle the score with some teens who ran over his kid by accident. When I got beat up in the 4th grade my father went straight to my bully’s house and complimented his right cross.

4. Stephen Conroy “Hell Fest”

The whole twist of “Hell Fest” is that the killer is secretly a nice dad with a stable home. That’s not a spoiler, because this movie is awful and no one should waste time seeing it. On a list of entertaining slasher villains Stephen is dead last, maybe not even on the top 50, but Dad-wise he’s up there.

3. Roy Burns “Friday The 13th Part 5”

You see an imposter Jason with blue marks on his hockey mask instead of red, I see a good dad who will stop at nothing to avenge his dead son.

2. Eugene “Behind The Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon”

Even if you have a great relationship with your father, Eugene will make you wanna trade up. His loving mentorship of aspiring serial killer Leslie Vernon is a support few of us will ever know. Just maybe keep him away from the kitchen knives.

1. Detective Baily “Scream 6”

Say what you will about his overall character, but when it comes to being a dad Baily is all in. He stole an entire museum’s worth of evidence for his true crime/horror-obsessed son and assumed the mantle of Ghostface to avenge him. He went through all the trouble of setting up a shrine/Giallo homage/kill room theater to do it in, and Baily doesn’t even like horror movies! He’s just all about supporting his kid. My dad once blew off my baseball game to watch baseball on TV. Not even MLB, it was an ESPN Little League regular season game.

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