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Woman Concerned Relationship Might Jeopardize Incredible Sex With Friend

TUCSON, Ariz. –– Local woman Anaya Marquez is concerned that pursuing a relationship with her friend David Alameda could jeopardize the incredible sex they’ve been having over the past year, according to sources.

“We’ve been friends with benefits for a while now, but I’d be lying if I said I’ve never thought about what it might be like if we took things to the next level,” said Marquez. “It’s such a tough call, because once you cross that line into a relationship with someone you care about sleeping with, you can’t just go back to having amazing, no-strings-attached sex like you once did. I guess I’ve just always thought of David as a fuck buddy, so it’s hard for me to throw all that away just for a chance at something healthy. We have an amazing arrangement, and I’d hate to do anything to lose that.”

Sources close to Marquez and Alameda have stressed the importance of really thinking this decision through completely.

“I totally understand the curiosity in wanting to explore if there’s something more between them, but it could really change their dynamic,” said Marquez’ roommate and friend, Zahara Dietz. “Sure, they have great sexual chemistry, but they’re just gonna throw that all away? For what? Communication and trust? That could really ruin what they’ve built, and once they do, they could never go back to what they had. And from what I can hear from my room, that kind of connection and willingness doesn’t just come along every day. It’s not worth it to lose that.”

Relationship experts warn pursuing a relationship with a slam piece can have damaging consequences.

“It’s a tough decision that many people face,” said sex therapist Hannah Briggs. “It’s important that both parties really consider the ramifications of such a big change in their arrangement. Be real with yourself and ask if you’re ready to risk losing being naked with someone just for the smallest chance of a relationship and all the headaches that come with it. You can’t just go back to being fuck buddies once you’ve crossed the line into caring about someone and know things about them.”

Briggs added that friends with benefits can work if both parties are willing to act more uninterested than the other.