I’ve always dreamed of hanging out on a tour bus with the band that changed my life, and last weekend, my vision board worked! I…
WATERLOO, Iowa — Christian rock superfan Keri Wilson has resolved not to go backstage after any concerts until she is a married woman, despite frequent…
ROCKVILLE CENTRE, N.Y. — 21-year-old Marcy McDaniels voluntarily lied about her age last night to get backstage at a show headlined by hardcore band The…
If you’ve ever been to a concert or even seen one on television you know that backstage is a mythical area full of wonders and…
GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. — Touring punk band Ghost Manor ended their headlining set at a basement show last night by exiting stage left and cramming…
VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. — Local pop-punk band Off the Bench retreated backstage shortly after their headlining set at The Bustle late Wednesday night, where they…