South Dakota: N/A
See North Dakota.
Tennessee: Mountain Dew Gravy
Moisten up that turkey TO THE EXTREME!
Texas: Texas Style
“Texas style what,” you ask? Just Texas style! Traditionally there is a full course of Texas Thanksgiving dedicated to eating pure, unadulterated Texas Style. It’s not so much a food as it is everyone throwing their 10-gallon hats up into the air and shooting at them over and over again shouting “Yee-haw!” for about 20 minutes or so.
Utah: Ice Water
It’s the one time a year such an indulgence is permitted.
Vermont: Maple Syrup Socialism Phish Granola Caserol
Yup, they just take everything they’re associated with, throw it in a casserole dish, and call it a day.
Virginia: Venison
You’re gonna hit a deer on the way, might as well eat it.
Washington: Grunge
Goes great with Mudhoney.
West Virginia: Bottled Water
“Daddy, why is it clear?”
Wisconsin: Anything Warm
In Wisconsin, there are two seasons—”Summer,” and “What kind of god would allow this?”
Wyoming: N/A
On the way to Thanksgiving dinner in Wyoming, you die in a gun-related car accident.