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Every “Succession” Character Ranked by What They Could Bring to My T-Shirt Company

29. Keith Zigler

He’s Lisa Arthur’s assistant and… nothing else. Let’s say maybe he has a wild-card factor?

28. Lisa Arthur

She’s the best lawyer money can buy, but only when her clients are telling the truth. What the hell is the point of hiring a lawyer if you’re telling the truth?

27. Nate Sofrelli

A young go-getter and talented strategist, Nate has a lot to offer on the surface, but at the end of the day, he just can’t, or rather won’t, play hardball. The Venice Beach boardwalk T-shirt scene is no place for idealism Nate dog.

26. Cyd Peach

Cyd can follow marching orders, but she’s gotta be more Rolaid than human at this point.

25. Rhea Jarrell

Rhea works harder, not smarter. There’s a reason you never see those words on a t-shirt.

24. Naomi Pierce

Everyone I’ve surrounded myself with so far is already a huge enabler, so I won’t be needing Naomi’s services.

23. Eduard Asgarov

As an L.A. entrepreneur, I have a long history of being taken in by seemingly well-to-do men that want to make huge deals but wind up getting me involved in a hostage situation, pass.

22. Comfry Pellits

She’s a competent marketing strategist and she’s loyal, but there is a definite ceiling to the amount of bullshit she will take from her man-child boss so this might not be a good fit.

21. Jamie Laird

He kept his cool when he was being held by Turkish terrorists, which is an asset. I source my shirts from some pretty shady distributors.

20. Kerry Castellabate

We actually sell a Kerry t-shirt where she’s reading the news grinning like an idiot with the caption “5 children died today.” She did not appreciate it.

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