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17 Horror Movie Icons Ranked By How Into New York Hardcore They Would Be

10. Leprechaun

Every scene has a little dude who just whoops dude’s asses. Leprechaun goes the absolute hardest. He’s friends with every crew and has been in the scene as long as anyone can remember. He is a mainstay.

Favorite Band: Sick Of It All

9. Cenobites

This is the closest thing you get to a hardcore crew in horror. They show up and try to be scary under the guise of a bigger solution, but mostly are there just to fuck shit up for their amusement. They terrify everyone, but everyone secretly wishes they were part of their scene.

Favorite Band: Youth Defense League

8. Jaws

Jaws is the normal kid in the scene. He works at a bank, has a good family life, and dresses preppy. But he has also psychologically terrorized everyone he has come in contact with and killed a 12-year-old kid.

Favorite Band: Most Precious Blood

7. Quint From Jaws

Quint is the quintessential (see what I did there?) Hardcore asshole. He hangs in the back and tells people how things should be and how much the scene used to be better. He always has an old story, most of which you’ve heard 1000 times. He only likes bands that have been around since the early days, because all the new bands are soft. Every scene has at least six Quints.

Favorite Bands: Cro-Mags

6. Train To Busan Zombies

Now these motherfuckers? This is the real shit. I’m not even sure how they’re zombies, but they’re bad AF. They’re the coolest kids at the show. They’re really the absolute best there is. And they get everyone, even your favorites.

Favorite Band: Gorilla Biscuits

5. Leatherface

Leatherface is a working-class hero. And his infamous chainsaw spin is credited as the predecessor to moshing. He might be a Texas boy, but his heart is in New York.

Favorite Band: Sheer Terror

4. Art The Clown

Art is the guy at the show who goes harder than everyone. Roundhouse kicks, and floor punching, on top of the pile-ups. But mostly, he is a goddamn crowd killer. Every show. Killing them all. Relentlessly.

Favorite Band: Killing Time

3. Toxic Avenger

Toxie is a complicated character. He was a bullied nerd who through improper environmental situations became a giant ass-kicking monster, which sums up 85% of the hardcore scene.

Favorite Band: Biohazard

2. Jason Voorhees

Jason is basically NYHC incarnate. He’s from New Jersey, he’s a big dude and he has zero diplomacy and has serious Mom issues. He could have been number one. I think I’ve even seen him in a basketball jersey.

Favorite Bands: Madball

1. Candyman

While Candyman is from Chicago he embodies all that is NYHC. He hangs in the streets, he’s got beefs aplenty, and has big Lower East Side energy. He could have been the frontman for nearly every NYHC band you love. That voice alone would have shaken the Anthrax in New Haven doors off.

Favorite band: Wisdom In Chains

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