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Not So Tough Now: How We Easily Beat the Crap Out of the 8-Year-Old Currently Living in the “Home Alone” House

“Home Alone” is a movie that helped define a generation and is still revered to this day. The film follows the exploits of young Kevin McAllister as he defends his home from two bumbling thieves. If you are anything like us then you’ve probably thought to yourself “This would never happen to me, I would have smoked that stupid kid.” Well, we decided to put it to the test, and it turns out the kid living in Kevin’s childhood home was rather easy to beat up, almost too easy.

In order to maintain authenticity we wanted to take on the kid by himself. We started by breaking into the house late at night, tying up the parents, and their other 12-year-old son, then locked them in the garage. They offered little resistance. Yes, we threatened them with a gun, but it wasn’t even loaded. Well, it wasn’t fully loaded. It only had four bullets, and we wrote the name of a family member on each bullet and then loaded the gun in front of the mom and dad to show them we meant business. Now it was time to test ourselves against the kid.

When we opened the door to his bedroom he wouldn’t stop screaming. We explained to him that we were just there to beat the crap out of him and steal all the valuables from his home, but that we would give him 30 minutes to try to outsmart us. He could set as many traps as his little heart desired. The game was on, we started a timer then returned to our Prius and waited.

Finally, it was time to make our move, and we were incredibly disappointed. The doorknob was not booby-trapped, I had purchased $75 leather gloves to counter this maneuver, and I felt like I wasted my money. After getting inside and walking straight up the stairs without slipping on any toy cars or getting hit in the face with paint cans we were starting to think this kid was a dud. But we had to be careful, the kid could be hiding somewhere with his BB gun ready to shoot us in the testicles. Well, it turns out he never left his bedroom. He was still there crying. It was almost sad, we even asked if he needed another 15 minutes to set a trap and all the kid did was ask for his parents.

Now it was time for the final showdown. The kid was a complete disappointment, he did nothing to defend his home, and now it was time to fight him once and for all. My partner in crime had been taking some cardio kickboxing classes so he wanted to take first crack at the kid. All it took was one punch. The kid was out cold. We stole his Switch, a PS5 from the family room, and a few handfuls of jewelry from the parent’s room.

Maybe kids in the ‘90s were tougher.