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Top 20 Oasis Songs for Starting a Lifelong Argument with Your Brother

Winter is coming back to Michigan. The stench of the dogfood factory won’t leave your clothes. But at least Oasis is back together! Time to pretend it’s ‘90s London once again. Britpop is back, baby! Gotta nab those tickets somehow, but it begs the question – who do you bring? Perhaps your older brother Kyle, who loves them as much as you do, but you two absolutely cannot stand each other’s company for more than a half hour. Then again, you are a social recluse with few friends or contacts. Reminisce over your favorite 20 Oasis songs and possibly open a can of shit worms by sending an innocuous Oasis-related text to your brother! (Listen to the playlist, click here)

20. “Wonderwall”

This was a rare bonding moment for you and your brother. Once on a bus, a busker was singing this very song, only to be derided by a drunk mob begging him to play anything else. Instead of letting the busker feel demoralized, you and your brother loudly joined, singing the entirety of “Wonderwall” on repeat for the entire bus route home. This included well past your exit, even after the busker got off. In fact, you’re not allowed to ride local transit anymore. You’re known as “The Wonderwall Boys,” there are photos of you distributed. You’d take Ubers but they’re so expensive and your job at the dogfood factory hasn’t quite blossomed into the career you were hoping for.

19. “Live Forever”

The 1994 debut album kicked off a lifelong fascination with Britpop between you and your brother. You remember when he used to pretend to have a British accent on family vacations, trying to act mysterious and from Manchester before having his cover blown by your parents. He’s still mad for the supposed cockblock you pulled on him in Disneyland. It comes up way too frequently, you actually worry that he’s not getting out much and blames you as the root for his social ineptitude.

18. “Don’t Look Back in Anger”

The one that kicked off the lifelong feud. Your brother is convinced that this is about a woman named “Sally Canwait” but sophisticated gents like yourself know this is about a woman named “Sally Can” simply being told to wait. See the difference? Anyone can see that. This fight led to a shove through a glass porch window and an altercation in front of neighbors, all while this song blasted on a loop throughout the entire cul de sac.

17. “Stand By Me”

In retrospect, the band’s third album ‘Be Here Now’ has aged well in comparison to 21st century efforts, but you’ve been here since the beginning. This familiar tune was playing when your brother pissed on burger patties you were barbecuing Fourth of July 2015. You forget the initial kernel that inspired the fight, but he completely ruined a barbecue spread you had going. You remember throwing urine-soaked charred meat at him, eventually tackling him into a swimming pool as guests politely left. This song is not on the regular rotation, firmly on the “No Play” list due to the memories conjured.

16. “Supersonic”

The reunion comes as a surprise, especially since Liam balked at ever showing up to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2024. You and your brother frequent the local dive bar, after clearing up arguments. The most recent outing came from saying “I’m feeling supersonic, give me gin and tonic” over twenty times to the bartender, your brother insisting you pipe down before a fistfight ensued. Of course you both reconciled at the same bar before another brawl broke out, ad infinitum, time being a flat circle and all, caught in our dang own cycles like Oedipus with an Oasis haircut.

15. “The Masterplan”

The B-Side to “Wonderwall” was one of your favorite inclusions in their 1998 compilation album, played on repeat, mostly to drive your brother insane. By now he’d given up on Oasis, written them off as a “has been,” but you were still devoted. Kept the haircut. Had the poster taped up. Eagerly awaited news of their next tour. It was at this point that your brother got into “butt rock” post-grunge wave, a decision that has aged poorly in comparison and which you still won’t let him live down at family functions. Asking “Where’s your Puddle of Mudd shirt?” will trigger his blind rage.

14. “Half the World Away”

After you studied abroad in Amsterdam, you had a celebratory return dinner where all friends and family were invited. Much like their 1996 MTV Unplugged, your brother declined to show up due to laryngitis, only to appear several booths over smoking, drinking, and singing along with other high school hooligans. When you tried to confront your brother over the incident, he put tater tots into his ears and shouted Oasis lyrics. Unfortunately this led to a slap fight in front of your entire family, but at least you ate for free at Denny’s that night (while never being allowed to return to the Traverse City location again.)

13. “Cigarettes & Alcohol”

Your drunken wandering into howling snowstorms for booze and Camels has led to encounters with local reporters coming up to you and your brother wrestling in the middle of the road, blocking snow-plows, arguing about who is more “rock and roll.” In fact, your arguments in front of reporters are not dissimilar to the infamous 1994 argument “Wibbling Rivalry” recording (credited to Oas*s) of Liam and Noel shouting in front of a NME reporter. Your recorded argument has twice as many “shut ups” and “bullshits,” with a handful offhanded “Ya think you’re better than me?” jabs thrown in (and for some reason, sobbing).

12. “Talk Tonight”

More like, avoid talking tonight. Your brother owes you an apology. He stole your Oasis shirt! You know, the black one with the rectangular logo in the center. He stretched it out, left salty sweat stains, ripped the armpits and gave it lingering B.O. stench. What are you gonna do, go out into public without your Oasis shirt? Might as well die. Or hit him in the head with a hammer, but you wouldn’t want to endow him with musical abilities (seriously, this is how Liam learned to appreciate music, a hammer whack to the head – look it up).

11. “The Importance of Being Idle”

Just like the Gallagher brother skirmish at the Whiskey a Go-Go, you and your brother have been banned from most local music venues. This is due to excessive yelling over who will pay for beers, screaming requests at the band, light pickpocketing, and general anti-social behavior. You’ve begun to visit the smaller, DIY venues just to see live music again, usually wearing a disguise of some sort, trying to “be idle” per this track off the sixth Oasis album, 2006’s ‘Don’t Believe the Truth’. Problem is: you still pick fights with strangers, because they remind you of your stupid brother.

10. “Married with Children”

While you noticed everyone around you was getting married, having children, you thought it would be funny to spend your days consistently tweeting out photos of your rotund brother with the caption “Potato” over and over again. The relentless campaign came to a head when your brother drove over from the catfood factory to the dogfood factory to smash your windshield with a crate of potatoes. Luckily no one could understand his shouting through the windows due to his terrible attempt at a Mancunian accent.

9. “Go Let It Out”

Much like the broken guitar that represented the (second) end of Oasis in Paris onstage in 2009, you still have the broken Gameboy remnants that your brother smashed after losing a bout of Pokémon. The beautiful lime-green Gameboy bits are in a plastic bag with the other smashed memories of your childhood, including a cracked CD case for the fourth Oasis album ‘Standing on the Shoulder of Giants’. Why do you save these trinkets and mementos of pain from the past? To keep your hate for your brother alive, like the eternal flame at JFK’s grave.

8. “She’s Electric”

It’s thought that the sibling rivalry between Liam and Noel goes back to an early teen incident of Liam drunkenly peeing on Noel’s stereo. In a strange twist of events, your brother has a similar beef. It all started when you came home and took a steaming shit on his iPod speaker dock. He used to blast the second Oasis album ‘(What’s the Story) Morning Glory?’ on repeat from those speakers. You weren’t even drunk, it was just a quick thoughtless decision. In fact, your brother’s anger is pretty justifiable. You’d offer to get him a new iPod speaker dock, but that’s an antique at this point.

7. “Magic Pie”

The one time you did actually get to see Oasis in 2009, your brother chanted “Magic Pie” until security escorted him out. Unfortunately he was your ride home, so you two had the opportunity to argue outside the stadium while the crowd roared along to Oasis. It hurts your soul to know you missed their final tour because of your brother’s shitty antics. Which is why you’re so happy they’ll be touring again. Time to pick up extra shifts at the dogfood factory!

6. “Cast No Shadow”

One of Liam Gallagher’s favorite songs. You love singing this one in the car, on any occasion: to the grocer, to the pub, to the post office, behind a karaoke mic with your hands clasped behind your back. Unfortunately your older brother is enraged whenever you begin songs a capella. “Leave it to the greats,” he chimes in. What does he know about music? Of course this kicks up a nasty fistfight. Anyone that happens to be with you becomes the Paul ‘Bonehead’ Arthurs of the scenario, the persistent third victim, witness to brotherly bantering.

5. “Going Nowhere”

Like your brother’s life and future, going nowhere. But you, you’re different, pal. You’ve got a fast-track to middle management at the dogfood factory. Just another 22 years, as soon as Gus the Assistant Director retires. And the owner doesn’t care for you, which is why you don’t even bother trying to impress him, instead spending lunch jamming out to this song in your car, pounding Hamm’s, hiding the cans in your trunk. Sometimes your brother even joins, but he hasn’t been invited back since getting into a fight with the parking lot security officer.

4. “Stop Crying Your Heart Out”

Much like Noel Gallagher eventually needing to form his own band High Flying Birds (famously redubbed as “High Flying Turds” by Liam), you decide to move out of your parent’s home and rent a studio apartment above the Domino’s on Main Street. Your brother, jealous of the newfound respect you’ve earned over such adult decisions, has moved into the apartment above the vape cartridge outlet store across the street. Every night he makes lewd gestures out his window or sophomoric hand puppets against his curtains. The truth is that this crippling sibling rivalry has led to many nights of crying alone, as cited in this song from the fifth Oasis album, 2002’s ‘Heathen Chemistry’ – just make sure your brother never finds out. He’d beat your ass if he found out you secretly loved him so much. Keep those feelings squashed way down and maintain that toxic masculine posture, king.

3. “Sad Song (Mauldeth Road West Demo, Nov ‘92)”

Much like founding Oasis drummer Tony McCaroll, your brother was there for formative early moments in your life. There are fond memories, even stellar jam sessions together, but that was until he broke your acoustic guitar and blamed it on a meteorite. Really? A meteorite, in Michigan? He maintains this lie to this very day. Not great at being confronted with wrongdoing, sticking to his guns until the very end. That’s OK: you keyed his Nissan, but blamed it on a ghost. It’s like any relationship one has to endure: the mutually accepted lies to keep cordial familiarity afloat.

2. “Champagne Supernova”

Guided by the steady bass of the enigmatic Paul McGuigan, this is a song half-familiar to infants and senior citizens alike, part of the wallpaper of modern public life. Like air, it’s everywhere. But you admit an honest kernel to your brother, one which sends him into a rage: you’ve never cared for this song. It’s a bit treacly, self-indulgent at 7 minutes, also just so overplayed. Never been a fan of the harmonium. You jump to skip this track at every occurrence, knowing this will begin a weeklong feud with your brother.

1. “I’m Outta Time”

You remember ‘Dig Out Your Soul’ was released in 2008, from the most recent Oasis album. Your brother raced home from his job at the catfood plant to purchase this vinyl. It was the last time you two bonded. Unfortunately, this was the only song you could both agree on liking, instead opting to separately nitpick the entire album. This debate ended up in tables overturned and you thrown through a screen door. Unlike the infamous cricket bat used in the 1995 Gallagher studio skirmish, a wooden broom that just happened to be laying around did some serious damage to your brother’s shins. In fact, there is trauma associated with this track. Better to maybe just play Blur tonight.

Check out the full palylist, save it, revisit it when you are down: