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Scene Elder Passes Down Oral History of Who Hates Who and Why

CHULA VISTA, Calif. — The patriarch of the local scene assembled the area’s young punks to hear an oral history of longstanding beefs, according to gossipy sources.

“So many of the O.G. crew have gone straight, died or left the area, so I’m the only one left that knows the full history of the scene. I’m not getting any younger, either,” said 43-year-old Henry “Oldhead” McIntyre. “I figured it was time to pass down my knowledge to the next generation. I brought together all the young bloods and regaled them with tales of the scene’s rich history. I covered everything from the origin of the feud between Rad Maggot and Pus Patrol to the saga of Eddie Scuzz, who cheated on Syd Silver with Maggie Kane only to end up with Phoebe from The Blank Czechs.”

Some members of the rapt audience expressed concern about who would take over stewardship of the scene should McIntyre die or get a real job.

“If something happens to Oldie, there’s gonna be a massive power vacuum,” said Marsha Skinner as she worked on a zine collecting McIntyre’s tales. “There are some guys waiting in the wings for their chance to become the area’s alpha punk, and it might get ugly. I’ve heard that Tex Hinton has been honing his gatekeeping skills in anticipation of being in a position to dictate to all of us what’s good and what’s shit. Gordie Floyd and Speck Stinson recently came to blows over who has the more comprehensive local seven inch collection. The scene is a pot ready to boil over.”

UCLA anthropology professor Adrian Conley says there are parallels between the way punk scenes function and how primitive societies operated.

“In both cases, we see small clans ruled over by an individual who has asserted their dominance either by cunning or a show of strength,” explained Conley while handling a Crass buttflap with forceps. “Usually there will be a group of weaker members beneath the chieftain who vie for the patriarch’s attention and contend among themselves in ritualistic competitions. In early societies, these challenges were resolved with violence. In punk scenes, they more often involve bouts where rivals try to outdo one another with their deep knowledge of obscure bands.”

At press time, the Chula Vista scene was reeling as McIntyre announced he would be leaving the area after inheriting his father’s Tallahassee, Florida condo.