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Oh You’re a Funeral for a Friend Fan? Name Three Friends You Buried

Buying that Funeral For a Friend hoodie are ya? But did you come to this show as some casual bandwagoner or do you truly appreciate them because you also know loss? Go ahead kid, name three of your friends whose lives were tragically cut short. Feel free to get descriptive. I call posers out a lot and I’m weirdly into hearing about and sharing my own experiences with grief.

Even if you’ve lost a friend or two, were they really your friends? Or were they acquaintances who all of a sudden became your friends after they died? Maybe you go to the funeral because you like the attention that comes with grieving. Or maybe you’re like me and you secretly don’t mind funerals because it’s the one place you’re actually allowed to weep openly in front of other men.

If you’re such a die-hard fan of FFAF, you would’ve found them by kneeling over your friend’s open casket and googling “funeral for a friend music” to help you in your time of need. But no, they probably came up on a Spotify playlist. Pitiful.

And, okay, so most of their songs aren’t about losing a friend but you’d get a lot more out of them if you’ve been to as many funerals as I have. I don’t wanna brag or nothin’ but I’ve lost a lot of friends. And, no big deal, a few cousins too.

So keep rockin’ that hoodie. Advertise your fandom. But I bet you didn’t know that they’re from Wales. Or that they got their name from a song by the band “Planes Mistaken For Stars” and that the loss of a friend didn’t actually inspire the band name. Man, the world really is full of posers.