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50 Girl Scout Cookies Ranked By How Well Glenn Danzig Could Sell Them

29. Mango Cremes with NutriFusion

These treats have a mango-flavored creme that is enhanced with nutrients made from rehydrated oranges, pears, grapes, ginger, limes, lemons, and carrots. This cookie is basically a salad.

28. Five World Cinnamon

These are a savory and cinnamon-sugary treat. Glenn thinks they’re perfect for a day when you’re just relaxing in a graveyard or brainstorming ideas for your tombstone. This will frighten people.

27. Iced Ginger Daisies

Iced Ginger Daisies are a reduced-fat option. Glenn will go on to say how he lost 10 pounds by cutting out soda. He’s surprisingly full of health tips and will inadvertently convince potential customers to avoid buying any Girl Scouts Cookies as a result due to their sugar content.

26. Trefoils

A trefoil is a graphic used in architecture as well as Pagan and Christian symbolism. Glenn will mainly emphasize the Pagan part. His sole customer on these would be Doyle Wolfgang von Frankenstein. A win’s a win.

25. Trios

Glenn would describe this one as “mid” which is a Gen Z term used to describe something as average. No one will know where he learned that word from and will only confuse potential customers.

24. Lemon-Ups

These cookies had little inspirational messages imprinted on them. Glenn would open the package and read off every one of the cookies to you in hopes that would sell you. Only now you have a bunch of loose cookies on the ground.

23. Cabana Cremes

Cabana Cremes look like Oreos but beige. You try selling anything edible that’s arguably the least appealing color in a food. You can’t.

22. Daisy Go Rounds

These are another cinnamon-based cookie of many. We all know cinnamon is inferior to chocolate chips, peanut butter, and heavy doses of sugar. This one is more Girl Scouts’ fault and less of Glenn’s.

21. Shout Outs!

These cookies have little one-word messages on them. Danzig would talk about how he doesn’t need a cookie to tell him what to do or stay motivated. Who do these cookies think they are?

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