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The Top 30 Best Picture Winners Ranked by Their Deadpool Cameos

15. Parasite (2019)

2019’s international hit film was not spared from Deadpools acerbic fourth wall-breaking wit. As the family argues with Geun Se in the underground tunnel of the Park’s home, an exasperated Deadpool pops into frame begging everyone to slow down as he is struggling to read the subtitles.

14. No Country for Old Men (2007)

When Anton Chigurh asks Deadpool wha’st the most he’s ever lost in a coin toss, his response of “My virginity. Twice.” confuses the killer, prompting him to move on to the gas station attendant instead.

13. A Beautiful Mind (2001)

It isn’t until John Nash realizes that Deadpool doesn’t age that he realizes the extent of his own mental illness.

12. Unforgiven (1992)

When Munny has Little Bill Daget in his sites and declares “I’m here to kill you Little Bill, for what you did to Ned” the character who says “Awkwaaaaard” could have been played by anyone, but Eastwood decided to go with the best—one Mr. Wade “The merc with the mouth” Wilson.

11. Rocky (1976)

Rocky’s training final training scene before his fight with Apollo Creed is one of the most iconic montages in all of cinema. It’s hard to even hear the word montage and not immediately picture Balboa running through the streets of Philadelphia, triumphantly pumping his fists atop a staircase, and being asked by Deadpool “Hey, weren’t you in a porno movie?”

10. Spotlight (2015)

No one expected a laugh going into this film about the Boston Globe’s real-life investigation of sexual abuse within the Catholic church, but Deadpool popping up every time Mark Ruffalo uncovers evidence and insisting he “Hulk out already!” is the height of self-aware meta-comedy.

9. The Deer Hunter (1978)

The Russian roulette scene would probably go down as one of the most tense in cinema history if not for Mr. Pool jumping in and saying “Oooh, games! Hey cowbell guy, quit hogging the controller!” He proceeds to wrestle the gun away from Christopher Walken and shoot himself in the head multiple times.

8. Annie Hall (1977)

The meet-cute between Woody Allen’s Alvy Singer and Diane Keaton’s Annie Hall is almost ruined when Deadpool pops out of nowhere and says to Annie “Let me save you some time, this guy is a straight-up pedophile.”

7. Gandhi (1982)

Throughout his life, Gandhi participated in a number of hunger strikes, refusing to eat any food and professing a willingness to die in protest of various injustices. Ben Kingsly portrays Gandhi’s anguish during these fasts brilliantly. His performance stands out when contrasted by Deadpool, who takes a seat next to Gandhi on his 6th day in a row without food, clutching his stomach and complaining about the gastric distress caused by the Chipotle he just housed. “I feel your pain pal, I’m about to go hit the head and birth a burrito out of my ass!”

6. Schindler’s List (1993)

Deadpool looks around, realizes what movie he’s and, and goes “What?! No. Absolutely not, get me out of here”

5. Titanic (1997)

One of the most endearing scenes in James Cameron’s record-breaking blockbuster sees the ship’s band continuing to play as the boat sinks. While this scene is allegedly inspired by real events, historians point out that at no point on the real Titanic did an enraged Deadpool show up and scream “Don’t you fucks know any other songs?! We are all going to die, play something that slaps!” and proceeds to teach the band Salt-N-Pepa’s ‘Shoop.”

4. The Silence of the Lambs (1991)

One of the most memorably disturbing scenes in the film is when Miggs flings his ejaculate into the face of Clarice Starling. Any screenwriter knows that after a scene that intense, an audience can use a good laugh, Enter one Wade Wilson. He bumps into Clarice leaving the asylum, sees the goo on her face, and says “Oh, is that hair gel?” Before she can answer it’s too late, Wade takes the goo and runs it through his hair, which stands comically upright. A classic.

3. Midnight Cowboy (1969)

True cinephiles know that Dustin Hoffman’s famous line “Hey, I’m walkin’ here!” was improvised, as was Deadpool’s follow-up line “Yeah, and one day I’m gonna star in the Green Lantern movie, and it’s going to suck, and I can admit that! This is fun!”

2. The Godfather (1972)

When Michael Corleone assassinates Sollozzo Capt. McCluskey, it’s not only a pivotal plot point, but it marks his personal point of no return. No longer is Michael the golden boy, the clean-cut soldier immune to the ugliness of his family business. In his vengeance, he has taken his first step toward a dark path that will end in him becoming a more ruthless crime boss than his own father. This dark foreshadowing is expertly punctuated when Michael leaves the restaurant, and the camera pans over to Deadpool at a nearby table wearing a napkin bib covered in spaghetti sauce saying “Uh… check please!”

1. Casablanca (1942)

When Rick storms over to Sam’s piano to chastise him for playing “As Time Goes By” he sees Ilsa, and the normally unflappable club owner is visibly shaken for the first time. He and Ilsa leave, and Deadpool approaches Sam’s piano.
“Play it, Sam.”
“I don’t know Mr. Deadpool, it’s been a long time, I can’t remember it.”
“Play it.”
Sam proceeds to play Salt-N-Pepa’s “Shoop.”

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