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Fictional Mayors Ranked by Likelihood of Closing the Beaches After a Shark Attack

“It’s a beautiful day, the beaches are open and people are having a wonderful time!” To celebrate one of the only days a year people get off, we recall Amity Island Mayor Larry Vaughn’s disastrous mishandling of the situation in the movie “Jaws.” But how would other mayors from popular culture handle the crucial decision of closing a beach during a heatwave after a horrific shark attack? We analyze their approaches to crisis management, explore how they might balance public safety with economic concerns, navigate political pressures, and maintain their leadership amidst the looming threat of aquatic danger.

Mayor Richard Wilkins III (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Likelihood of Closing the Beaches After a Shark Attack: 0/10

Mayor Richard Wilkins III, the seemingly benign but secretly sinister leader of Sunnydale, would publicly handle a shark attack with his charisma and dark humor. Behind the scenes, he’d manipulate the situation to further his own mysterious plans, leaving the citizens blissfully unaware of the true danger. Wilkins’ delight in chaos would ensure that the beaches remain open and probably be responsible for (or at least benefit from) citizens being eaten.

Mayor Wilson Fisk aka Kingpin (Marvel Universe)
Likelihood of Closing the Beaches After a Shark Attack: 0/10

Mayor Wilson Fisk is more likely to see a shark attack as an opportunity for personal gain rather than a public safety issue. Fisk would leverage the shark attack to manipulate real estate values or eliminate rivals under the guise of public safety efforts. He probably put the shark in the water in the first place. Closing the beaches would only happen if it served his complex and often nefarious schemes. More likely, he’d declare the shark attack a hoax and continue his shady dealings, leaving the citizens to fend for themselves against the lurking threat.

Mayor Larry Kline (Stranger Things)
Likelihood of Closing the Beaches After a Shark Attack: 1/10

Mayor Larry Kline, the corrupt, disgraced mayor of Hawkins from “Stranger Things,” would prioritize his own interests and those of his political allies over public safety. Kline would downplay or outright dismiss the shark attack to avoid any negative impact on his image. He might even go so far as to suppress information about the threat, ensuring the beaches stay open to keep tourism and commerce flowing. Kline’s actions would be driven by greed and a complete disregard for the well-being of the residents of Hawkins, making him one of the least likely mayors to take appropriate action in the face of danger. Let’s just be glad Indiana is landlocked.

Boss Hogg (Dukes of Hazzard)
Likelihood of Closing the Beaches After a Shark Attack: 1/10

Boss Hogg, the self-serving county commissioner of Hazzard County, would approach a shark attack with his usual blend of greed and disregard for public safety. Known for his shady dealings and schemes to enrich himself at the expense of others, Boss Hogg would exploit the situation for personal gain, even encouraging reckless behavior to maintain his control over the county. His response would be marked by absolute negligence, reflecting his cynical approach to governance and disregard for the safety of the community.

Mayor Tong (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Likelihood of Closing the Beaches After a Shark Attack: 2/10

Mayor Tong, the mayor of Earth Kingdom town of Chin Village in “Avatar: The Last Airbender,” is known for his somewhat obstinate and tradition-bound leadership. When faced with a shark attack, his initial reaction would be to dismiss the threat outright. Mayor Tong’s reluctance to deviate from tradition and his skepticism towards new ideas would lead to a delayed and insufficient response. He might be swayed by public opinion or pressure from more proactive community members, but his initial hesitation would compromise the safety of the beaches. Ultimately, his decision to close the beaches would come too late.

Mayor “Diamond” Joe Quimby (The Simpsons)
Likelihood of Closing the Beaches After a Shark Attack: 2/10

“Diamond” Joe Quimby’s response to a shark attack would be a masterclass in political doublespeak and corruption. While he might initially promise to take decisive action, you can bet that behind the scenes, he’s accepting bribes from local businesses to keep the beaches open. The only thing more dangerous than the sharks might be Quimby’s slippery ethics. In the end, Quimby’s primary concern would be his own political survival, leaving the town’s safety a distant second.

Mayor Dwayne Milford (Twin Peaks)
Likelihood of Closing the Beaches After a Shark Attack: 3/10

Mayor Dwayne Milford, the eccentric and often befuddled mayor of “Twin Peaks,” would convene a town meeting at the Twin Peaks Town Hall to discuss the situation. He would listen attentively to the concerns of Twin Peaks’ residents and consider the potential impact on tourism, which plays a significant role in the town’s economy. However, Mayor Milford’s indecisiveness and tendency to get distracted by local gossip and trivial matters would delay immediate action leaving the window open for more citizens to be attacked. The FBI would have to be called in to handle the situation.

Mayor Roland Schitt (Schitt’s Creek)
Likelihood of Closing the Beaches After a Shark Attack: 3/10

Mayor Roland Schitt, the laid-back and clueless mayor of Schitt’s Creek, would handle a shark attack with a blend of nonchalance and lack of foresight. Known for his casual approach to governance and tendency to prioritize his own comfort and convenience, Roland would initially dismiss the shark sightings as overblown rumors. His reluctance to take swift action would stem from a mix of laziness and a desire to avoid any hassle that could disrupt the town’s daily life. However, with enough urging from the townspeople, Roland might begrudgingly agree to close the beaches. Even then, his efforts would probably be half-hearted and poorly communicated, reflecting his general lack of enthusiasm for serious leadership duties.

Mayor Lenny Klotch (Ghostbusters)
Likelihood of Closing the Beaches After a Shark Attack: 4/10

Mayor Lenny Klotch, the easily swayed mayor of New York City in the Ghostbusters universe, would approach a shark attack with a mix of skepticism and political calculation. Known for his reliance on public opinion and media coverage, Klotch would hesitate to close the beaches immediately, fearing backlash and negative press. He would initially downplay the threat of the shark, hoping to avoid panic and maintain the city’s reputation as a safe destination. However, faced with mounting evidence and public concern, he would eventually agree to a compromise, such as increased beach patrols and safety measures, rather than a full closure.

Mayor Thomas J. “Tommy” Carcetti (The Wire)
Likelihood of Closing the Beaches After a Shark Attack: 4/10

Mayor Carcetti, the ambitious and politically savvy leader of Baltimore, would find himself in a difficult position when faced with a shark attack. On one hand, his public image as a reformer would compel him to prioritize public safety and close the beaches. On the other hand, Carcetti’s constant eye on his political future might make him hesitant to disrupt the local economy. He’d call for a series of bureaucratic commissions and expert panels to deliberate the issue, ultimately deciding to close the beaches—but only after exhausting all possible political capital and ensuring maximum media coverage to boost his profile.

The Mayor of Halloweentown (The Nightmare Before Christmas)
Likelihood of Closing the Beaches After a Shark Attack: 5/10

The Mayor of Halloweentown, with his two-faced personality and perpetual state of mild panic, would have a hard time making a definitive decision about closing the beaches. While one side of him would be in a frenzy, shouting about the dangers of the shark and the need for immediate action, the other side would be overly optimistic, possibly seeing the shark attack as an opportunity to make Halloweentown even more macabre.

Mayor of Munchkin City (The Wizard of Oz)
Likelihood of Closing the Beaches After a Shark Attack: 5/10

The Mayor of Munchkin City would respond to a shark attack with a mixture of concern for his fellow Munchkins and a desire to maintain harmony. Known for his diplomatic skills, the Mayor would convene an emergency meeting in the Munchkin City Hall, accompanied by a lively discussion among the Lollipop Guild and other Munchkin representatives. He would weigh the potential risks of keeping the beaches open against the economic impact, which thrives on tourism from visitors to the Land of Oz. Ultimately, his decision to close the beaches would hinge on balancing safety concerns with the whimsical spirit of Oz, ensuring that Munchkinland remains a vibrant and secure community amidst the wonders of the magical realm.

Mayor Lewis (Stardew Valley)
Likelihood of Closing the Beaches After a Shark Attack: 6/10

Mayor Lewis, the amiable and absent-minded mayor of Stardew Valley, would likely approach a shark attack with a mix of concern for public safety and a desire to maintain the town’s tranquil atmosphere. While he values the well-being of the community, his tendency to prioritize the town’s festivals and events might delay immediate action. His commitment to the townspeople and his sense of duty would lead him to make the cautious decision to close the beaches, ensuring everyone’s safety while trying to avoid causing unnecessary panic. However, he might also use the opportunity to plan a “Shark Day” event; complete with educational booths and a fishing contest to try and catch the beast.

Burgermeister Meisterburger (Santa Claus is Comin’ to Town)
Likelihood of Closing the Beaches After a Shark Attack: 6/10

Burgermeister Meisterburger, the grumpy and authoritarian leader of Sombertown, would respond to a shark attack as another opportunity to exert his control over the town. Instead of closing the beaches for safety reasons, he would decree that swimming is now illegal altogether, citing the danger of aquatic creatures as a reason to further restrict the town’s happy activities. Meisterburger would assign his bumbling henchmen, the Kringles, to patrol the shores and ensure compliance with his draconian rules. While other mayors may prioritize safety and community welfare, Meisterburger’s rigid adherence to authority would ensure that the beaches remain closed—and joyless—under his eye.

The Mayor of Townsville (The Powerpuff Girls)
Likelihood of Closing the Beaches After a Shark Attack: 7/10

The Mayor of Townsville, a bumbling but well-meaning official, would respond swiftly to a shark attack with genuine concern for the safety of Townsville’s citizens. Known for his dramatic flair and tendency to overreact to emergencies, the Mayor would call an immediate press conference, urging everyone to stay calm while emphasizing the severity of the situation. He would declare a temporary closure of the beaches, accompanied by a series of overly dramatic public service announcements featuring himself and the Powerpuff Girls. Despite his occasional clumsiness, the Mayor’s dedication to protecting Townsville from harm would ultimately prevail, ensuring that beachgoers are safe from shark attacks.

Mayor “Goldie” Wilson (Back to the Future)
Likelihood of Closing the Beaches After a Shark Attack: 7/10

Mayor “Goldie” Wilson, with his optimistic catchphrase “Progress is His Middle Name,” would approach a shark attack with a blend of caution and can-do spirit. As a progressive leader aiming to improve Hill Valley, he’d close the beaches, but not without first delivering a rousing speech about safety and community. Wilson’s primary concern would be ensuring the well-being of his constituents, and he’d implement a plan to both deal with the shark and reassure the public that Hill Valley’s beaches will be safer than ever. However, his tendency to see the bright side of everything might delay immediate action by just a smidge.

Mayor Sam Booth (Murder, She Wrote)
Likelihood of Closing the Beaches After a Shark Attack: 8/10

Mayor Sam Booth, the kindly and well-meaning mayor of Cabot Cove from “Murder, She Wrote,” would approach a shark attack with a genuine concern for the safety of his townsfolk. Mayor Booth would take the threat seriously, consulting with experts and law enforcement to assess the situation. Encouraged by his friend Jessica Fletcher’s logical persuasion, Booth’s actions would reflect his commitment to safeguarding Cabot Cove, even if it means making difficult decisions for the greater economic good.

Mayor McCheese (McDonaldland)
Likelihood of Closing the Beaches After a Shark Attack: 8/10

Mayor McCheese would prioritize the safety of McDonaldland’s whimsical citizens first and foremost. Known for his good-hearted leadership and commitment to the well-being of the community, McCheese would close the beaches promptly after a shark attack, possibly after a brief consultation with Ronald McDonald – who, we all know, is the true power behind the throne. With his entire head being made of a cheeseburger, the threat of being consumed (be it by shark or human) would be an ever-looming existential threat for the mayor.

Mayor Robert “Bob” White (Doug)
Likelihood of Closing the Beaches After a Shark Attack: 9/10

Mayor Bob White, the affable and community-oriented mayor of Bluffington in the animated series Doug, would approach a shark attack with a focus on ensuring the safety and well-being of his town’s residents. Known for his dedication to public service and his friendly demeanor, Mayor White would respond swiftly to the threat posed by the shark, prioritizing public safety above all else. His decisive action to close the beaches would demonstrate his leadership and dedication to protecting the interests of Bluffington’s citizens during times of crisis.

Mayor Mike Haggar (Final Fight video game)
Likelihood of Closing the Beaches After a Shark Attack: 9/10

Mayor Mike Haggar, the tough and no-nonsense mayor of Metro City in the Final Fight video game series, would approach a shark attack with resolve and dedication to public safety. Known for his background as a former professional wrestler and his hands-on approach to crime-fighting, Haggar would view the shark attack as a serious threat to the citizens of Metro City. He would mobilize the Metro City Police Department and organize emergency response teams to assess the situation and ensure swift action and hunt the shark down. He may even attempt to fight the shark himself. His decisive action to close the beaches would demonstrate his leadership and determination to maintain order and security in Metro City – although some might see his actions as authoritarian and heavy-handed.

Mayor H.R. Pufnstuf (H.R. Pufnstuf)
Likelihood of Closing the Beaches After a Shark Attack: 10/10

Mayor H.R. Pufnstuf, the friendly and caring mayor of Living Island, would almost certainly prioritize the safety of his whimsical constituents. Given his track record of helping his friends out of tight spots and his generally protective nature, Pufnstuf would close the beaches immediately after a shark attack to ensure no one gets hurt. He’d organize a community meeting with his magical friends to come up with a solution, possibly involving a musical number to raise spirits and educate everyone on beach safety. His commitment to the well-being of Living Island’s residents makes him a highly responsible leader in times of crisis.

Mayor Enta (Pokemon)
Likelihood of Closing the Beaches After a Shark Attack: 10/10

Mayor Enta, the wise and compassionate leader of Hearthome City in the Pokemon world, would prioritize the safety and well-being of his town’s residents above all else. Known for his deep connection to nature and the sea, Mayor Enta would respond swiftly and decisively to a shark attack, immediately closing the beaches to ensure that trainers, locals, and Pokemon alike are protected from harm. He would gather the community and issue a heartfelt plea for everyone to exercise caution and respect the ocean’s creatures. Mayor Enta’s leadership would be marked by empathy and a profound understanding of the delicate balance between humans and Pokemon in their coastal habitat.