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Every Doctor and Companion from “Doctor Who” Ranked by How Much They Hung Out at CBGB in the ‘70s and ‘80s


20. Bill Potts

The 12th Doctor chooses Bill as his first companion after a 70-year hiatus for the reason that when she doesn’t understand something, she smiles instead of frowns. Really what he was looking for was someone who would be a good sport whenever he would drag her to CBGB and explain the cultural importance of all the bands playing.

19. 5th Doctor

At the time of his regeneration he was the youngest doctor in both appearance and disposition. He was a little fun, a little quirky, and he absolutely loved Sting. Any time The Police were on the bill he was there. He is considered a pioneer of the early Mod revival scene.

18. Romana I/II

A young Time Lady who decided to travel with the Doctor to escape the stuffiness of Gallifrey for a while and broaden her musical horizons. It is rumored that she still runs the E-space version of CBGB, which evidently didn’t face the same rent kerfuffle.

17. Vicki

She elected to leave the TARDIS and marry a man in ancient Troy after seeing Green Day play CBGB in 2001 and saying “Well, I guess punk is over.”

16. Leela

Leela was tough as nails and loved frequenting CBGB during the rise of New York Hardcore, where her skills with a knife proved useful on many occasions.

15. War Doctor

The Time War was of course Time locked, but the War Doctor was clever and found ways to sneak off to CBGB and amp himself up for fighting in the pit.

14. Victoria Waterfield

At 15 years old she is to date one of the Doctor’s youngest, arguably least-appropriate companions. After a few adventures across space and time, she opted to say goodbye to The TARDIS and stalk Johnny Thunders full time.

13. Amy and Rory

The Ponds spent a good deal of downtime at CBGB. Amy was low-key obsessed with Joan Jett, and Rory was way into doing whatever Amy says always no questions asked.

12. 4th Doctor

Don’t let the rainbow scarf fool you, the Doctor’s 4th incarnation remains the one with the most “fuck you” energy to date. He frequented CBGB and was a pioneer in the “punks generally not liking things” movement.

11. Mickey Smith

Mickey frequented the club and quickly gained a reputation as an annoying hanger-on. He kept cornering people like Joey Ramone and Debbie Harry telling them that they were on to something and that they just needed “the right representation,” in a way that heavily suggested he was said representation.

10. Rose Tyler

She traveled with (dated?) the Doctor in his two most punk incarnations and was involved in an adventure in which she and the doctor accidentally picked up a Neanderthal hitchhiker and let him loose on the scene. His name was Gutak, but you probably know him better as Glenn Danzig.

9. 13th Doctor

She frequented the club and made more polarizing canonical changes than any patron on record. It is now known that there have been hundreds of CBGBs going back centuries before the 1970s, and that punk is actually an alien race.

8. Jack Harkness

Jack Harkness, a time traveler in his own right and charismatic pansexual is singlehandedly responsible for the prevalence of alternative relationships in the punk subculture.

7. 9th Doctor

Fresh off the heels of the time war and still wrestling with the guilt of committing genocide against his own people, the 9th Doctor often found solace for his inner rage in the New York Hardcore scene.

6. Tegan Jovanka

Tegan’s trajectory at CBGB was similar to her tenure on the TARDIS. At first she was brought there against her will and could not wait to leave and move on with her life. Then she got bored being a flight attendant, kinked her hair up a bit, and accompanied the Doctor to some of the most legendary performances in the club’s history. Then the Cro-Mags showed up and she decided the scene had gotten too dangerous.

5. 7th Doctor

He was always getting dragged down to the Bowrey in the ’70s and ’80s by Ace, and his more Machiavellian tendencies made him briefly consider a career as a band manager.

4. Sarah Jane Smith

One of the longest tenures of any companion, a fan favorite who went on to accompany four Doctors on adventures, and a die-hard Patti Smith fan.

3. 10th Doctor

Later incarnations would refer to this version of the Doctor as his “grunge phase” and it kind of fits personality-wise. He was angry, ironically vain, and died tragically young. It’s rumored that he even did heroin with Lou Reed and briefly dated Debbie Harry. He has a thing for blondes.

2. Ace

“Beat On The Brat” was actually written in tribute to Ace after she saved the Ramones from a beer keg that turned out to be an extremely low-budget robot.

1. 12th Doctor

No surprises here, the Doctor’s 12th incarnation spent more time at CBGB than any of his predecessors or companions. You don’t become the most revered hipster grandpa in the universe without spending a good amount of time at CBGB in the ’70s. He even filled in on bass for the Ramones twice, and accidentally wrote the song “Now I Wanna Sniff Some Glue” bootstrap paradox style.

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