I’m old enough to remember a time when freedom of speech meant something in this country. Nowadays, our culture has been completely usurped by leftist lunatics who want to cancel us for even the slightest transgression, and we have to constantly walk on eggshells for fear of jeopardizing our livelihood because we offended some fragile little petunia with blue hair and a septum ring. It seems like every aspect of our daily lives has been infected by the woke mind virus. Case in point: today I went to register as a sex offender, and the form had a space for “Preferred Pronouns.”
Woke culture has officially pervaded every walk of life, which apparently now includes the Tallahassee Police Department’s sex offender registration form. Just the thought of it makes me sick. America used to have strong, Christian values, and now you can’t even fulfill the obligations bestowed upon you by the State for having accidentally exposed yourself in the Winn-Dixie produce department without having to put up with this liberal bullshit. If the AOC-loving commies want to subject themselves to such garbage, they’re more than welcome to keep it on CNN or MSNBC where it belongs. There’s absolutely no need to force it on those of us who still have some common sense along with our extensive lists of sex-related criminal offenses.
How many genders do liberals even think there are, anyway? Last I checked, there were two; God decides it at the moment of conception, and we continue that way our whole lives (that is, if our mothers are able to evade the godless Planned Parenthood butchers long enough for us to be born.) I should write “FUCK BIDEN” in this space just to irritate these nutjobs. I bet nobody’s ever thought to do something like that. I totally would if word of my doing so wouldn’t ultimately get back to my parole officer, which definitely wouldn’t end well for me. Also, Biden isn’t in office anymore, so a move like that wouldn’t necessarily have the same clout it would’ve had a year ago.
Speaking of which, THANK GOD Trump is President again. It’s good to know us sex offenders finally have some representation up in Washington. He’s vowed to bring common sense back to the United States, which we all can agree is something that’s been sorely lacking these past four years. I wanted to drive to his rally up in Macon this past November, but my ankle bracelet would’ve alerted the authorities that I was leaving the house.
Eh, I guess I’ll just play by their ridiculous rules for now and write “he/him” in this space. No sense in causing trouble when I’ve already done enough, you get me? And anyway, I fully plan on wearing my “Unvaxxed Lives Matter” shirt while I go door-to-door notifying my neighbors of my new status tomorrow. That’ll be sure to trigger some snowflakes.