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Why I Smoke Weed Instead of Drinking and Also in Addition To Drinking

Some people relax at the end of the day with a cold beer or a glass of wine, but not me, I prefer to smoke some weed! We all know the harmful effects of alcohol—liver disease, increased risk of cancer, bloating, hangovers—that’s just not for me. I prefer the natural, relaxing, and medicinal effects of marijuana. And then, yeah, sure, sometimes that buzz pairs nicely with a glass or two of merlot or a couple high-octane IPA’s but I’d much rather smoke weed than drink these days.

Ever since I stopped drinking and started using cannabis instead, I’ve really noticed a change in my mental state. I’m so much more chill. I don’t NEED a beer after a day of work. I need to smoke a bowl, and then maybe I WANT a refreshing beer afterward but that’s more, like, an appetizer for the Doritos Flamas tacos I’m making. I’ve gotten really into the culinary arts now that I’ve given up drinking in favor of cannabis.

Another great thing about weed is you can get high any time of day and there’s no social stigma attached to it. Drinking before 5 pm is a problem but wake-and-bake is a lifestyle. Smoke some weed before brunch. Get a couple of mimosas (those don’t count) or bloody Marys (basically a salad) and get down on some French toast!

The great thing about weed is it actually helps me focus where alcohol would just make me super unproductive. I like to smoke a joint and enjoy nature or do something creative like write poetry or paint. Sometimes I’ll walk to that pub on the corner and grab a drink while I doodle on a soggy napkin and look for faces in the patterns of grain of the wood barstools. It’s really a much more cerebral experience than drinking alcohol.

Ok, so every once in a while I get a bit TOO stoned and start to freak out a little. But it’s not like getting too drunk because when you’re too stoned you can just have a drink to knock the edge off the anxiety and it kinda brings you back to ground level.

So yeah, I basically don’t drink anymore. Except for after I smoke. Which I do every day.