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Into the Wild 2? This Woman Just Turned off Her Phone

Are we looking at the next “Into the Wild?” San Diego woman, Courtney Woodridge, has felt a strong connection to Chris McCandless since first watching Into the Wild last week. Venturing into the unknown with nothing but a rucksack and a positive attitude, Chris made a brave decision to travel in search of himself. Just like Courtney who, in an identical parallel, has turned off her phone.

“His story is really inspiring and I think the journey he went on should be followed,” Courtney posted shortly before venturing into her own unknown. “It’s an ideology I can really get behind, and watching his story made me realize how similar we are in spirit.”

When asked what specific parallels she can draw between herself and McCandless, Courtney reflected that she is also looking to get in touch with her true self. Plus, she also listens to a lot of Pearl Jam and has been on a bus.

We were interested to learn more about what preparations Courtney has taken. In her final Instagram pic, she had only a packed bag with warm clothes, three paperback books, and a two-bedroom townhome with every possession she’s owned since childhood.

A local bartender reported that Courtney sat at the bar last night, sans-phone, talking to fellow partons in an attempt to become one with nature. To those who doubt her, Courtney graciously understands. “This lifestyle isn’t for everyone and I don’t expect people to understand why someone would choose to live a more natural, primitive life.”

Courtney concluded her final post to state on record that changing her name to “Anastasia Sugartits” was a separate decision that had nothing to do with “Into the Wild.”