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How To Win Friends And Influence People By Having An Adderall Prescription

Are you someone who struggles to make connections with others? Do you continuously fail to initiate meaningful conversations, you boring, boring fuck? Are you looking to increase your influence, your prestige, your ability to get things done? Well have we got the schedule II Narcotic for you. It’s time to talk to your doctor about prescribing Adderall.

Like ducks to bread, human beings fucking love Adderall. This magical little pill easily helps you to arouse enthusiasm among your associates.

How does it work? Well it’s simple. All you have to do is let one person know you secured a prescription from your doctor and the calls will start coming in. Complete strangers will reach out and say things like “hey, how are you?” and then ask if you have any spare Adderall. This means it’s working.

Did you ever wonder which one of your friends wants to keep partying? Just a shake of a pill bottle at any event will send hoards of loyal allies to your side. You will never be truly alone once you become the Johnny Appleseed of Adderall.

Hey, this all sounds great, but there’s ANOTHER perk to this Addy Script gig. Why not take one for yourself every now and then? Adderall can instantly get you out of any mental rut, give you new thoughts, new visions, new ambitions. It’s basically legal meth which is a well known and effective tool in making you a better speaker, and a more entertaining conversationalist.

Are you ready to transform from an unlovable miscreant to a guy who gets texts from the entire gender spectrum during any hour of the day? Well, what are you waiting for? Reach out to your local psychiatrist about Adderall today! God my teeth hurt.