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5 Nu-Metal Songs That Will Make You Flip Off Your Boss Behind Their Back

You ever have one of those bosses that is just an all-around butthead? You know the type. The type of boss that’ll tell you to put down your Living Dead Dolls or that Godsmack’s “I Stand Alone” is not the national anthem.

Well, if you find yourself working for a normie who simply misunderstands you, at some point you’re probably going to find yourself in a situation where you’re reprimanded. And you’re inevitably going to retaliate by waiting for them to turn around to walk away, and then give them one hell of a middle finger.

Here are 5 nu-metal songs that are basically the music version of flipping off someone who has power over you behind their back.

Dope “Die, Motherfucker, Die”

While you obviously don’t want your boss, or anyone for that matter, to “Die, motherfucker, die,” you do, however, most certainly want them to freak off. This song should help set the tone nicely.

KoRn “Y’all Want a Single”

Y’all want a copy on your desk by Friday? Say FUCK that. This song will play in your mind during the seconds between when you’ve profusely apologized for your totally reasonable error and when your boss’ back is fully turned. It’ll amp you up perfectly for the moment when your finger birds start chirping.

Drowning Pool “Bodies”

Once again, while not wanting to cause actual harm to anyone, you do want them to know you mean business. If you’re not flicking off your boss while he isn’t looking, then perhaps you could address your issues with him by reciting a list of them starting with “one” and working your way up to “NOOOWWWWW!?”

Saves on Dope “Pushing Me”

Anytime a boss threatens you with a write up just because you showed up to work again in a fishnet shirt instead of your Target uniform, this song will get you pumped up to write something mean about them on the bathroom stall.

Trapt “Headstrong”

This could possibly be the quintessential “I cope with my anger unhealthily” song. Whether you’re giving someone the bird but you have no intentions of them seeing it, or you’re looking to start drunken fistfights at the county fair’s beer tent, seldom does a nu-metal band invoke this level of dirt-baggery like Trapt.