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5 David Sedaris Books That Will Trick You and Your Date Into Thinking You Have Anything Else in Common

David Sedaris is one of the most beloved and universally appreciated writers of our time. His sharp wit, powers of observation and dark humor-meets-heart approach makes his work appealing to all walks of life. This can get you into a lot of trouble romantically.

It’s a joy to recount David Sedaris’ stories with a fellow fan. Unfortunately, this runs out at a point, and you may or may not have anything else to say to each other. This point can come as early as a second date or as late as a “hey, we live together.”

Don’t let the subject matter of growing old turn you off, “Calypso” sees Sedaris at the height of his universally appreciated wit. Bonding over this book is enough to convince incompatible people of any age that they should see eachother again when they categorically should not. It only ranks low on our list because it came out in 2018 and no one has read a book since 2014.

Holidays on Ice
Everyone loves a darkly comedic spin on the holiday season. Seriously, everyone, regardless of background, political affiliation, or value system.

By the time you realize you and your partner have this book and only this book in common, they will have already met your parents, and the pressure to keep this thing going for some reason will be at a full boil.

Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim
Sedaris’s penchant for finding the madness in the mundane may inspire you to become a writer yourself. For example, you could write about the time you had sex with someone a bunch of times before realizing they were a republican because you both liked “Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim.”

Me Talk Pretty One Day
You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll start an unsustainable relationship with someone that you will end with a text message that they reply to with a “thumbs up” react.