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VeggieTales Characters Ranked On Likelihood of Becoming a Doomsday Cult Leader

VeggieTales has always been a beacon of moral lessons and ethical Christian teachings, but what if these characters went off the deep end? A dark world where these computer animated vegetables took their faith and fervor to apocalyptic extremes. Here, we rank the VeggieTales crew from least to most likely to become the leader of a doomsday cult, drawing their followers into a twisted interpretation of the Christian apocalypse.

15. Laura Carrot

Laura is too sweet and empathetic to lead anyone into an apocalyptic frenzy. She believes in the goodness of others and the power of redemption, making her more likely to gather her friends for prayer circles than to convince them the end is near. Her followers would be more focused on charity work than preparation for the end of days.

14. Mom and Dad Asparagus

As pillars of the community, Mom and Dad Asparagus would be more inclined to guide their followers with wisdom and compassion than to exploit them, creating community rather than a cult. Sure, they believe the end times are upon us – emphasizing preparedness in faith, hoarding goods & guns, and surrendering one’s possessions. They’d likely run a tight ship, intent on survival rather than the rapture.

13. Jimmy & Jerry Gourd

Jimmy and Jerry Gourd might seem like harmless, food-obsessed goofballs, but beneath their bumbling exterior lies the potential for a dangerously misguided leadership. Their love for comfort and indulgence could easily translate into a doomsday cult focused on hedonism and excess, where followers are encouraged to “live it up” before the Christian apocalypse hits. While they lack the ambition to lead a full-blown movement, their laid-back approach could lure in those looking for an easy way out of the end times.

12. Madame Blueberry

Madame Blueberry’s materialism could lead her to exploit her followers under the guise of preparing for the end times. She’d probably convince them to give up their worldly possessions—for her own gain, of course—but her focus would remain on accumulating wealth rather than spiritual fervor. She might toy with apocalyptic themes, but she’s too self-serving to take it all the way.

11. Grandpa George

With his old-school wisdom and penchant for storytelling he might initially seem like an unlikely cult leader. However, his deep understanding of tradition and scripture could be twisted into something more sinister. He’d use his extensive knowledge to create elaborate narratives about the apocalypse, presenting himself as the sage who holds the key to salvation. Despite his seemingly benign exterior, his would demand dogmatic obedience and self-sacrifice under the pretense of guiding his followers through the end times

10. The Scallions

The Scallions are natural troublemakers, and they wouldn’t hesitate to use apocalyptic fear-mongering to their advantage. They could easily whip up a frenzy among their followers, convincing them to forsake their lives in preparation for the rapture. Their cult would ultimately be more about anti-government propaganda than anything of religious consequence. Their motivations would be more about causing chaos and watching the world burn than any true belief in their cause.

9. Mr. Nezzer

Everyone knows Mr. Nezzer has always had a taste for power and control, and he could see the apocalypse as a way to solidify his dominance. He’d likely position himself as a messianic figure, demanding absolute loyalty from his followers in exchange for their salvation. He’d preach about the end of days while gathering up several wives, lining his pockets, and skipping town when his followers caught on to his ruse.

8. Jean-Claude and Philippe (The French Peas)

Jean-Claude and Philippe, the clever and mischievous French Peas, have always been sharp-witted, and it’s this intelligence that would make them dangerous cult leaders. These two would have no trouble twisting biblical passages to suit their agenda, using their deep knowledge of scripture to manipulate their followers. They’d expertly reinterpret the Bible, taking verses out of context to justify whatever commands they issue. Their followers, drawn in by their charisma and apparent wisdom, would be eager to do their bidding. Jean-Claude and Philippe would lead their cult with precision, turning faith into a tool for control and obedience.

7. Petunia Rhubarb

Petunia’s love for spreading kindness and positivity makes her the least likely to embrace a doomsday narrative. While she would absolutely join a cult of some kind, hers would be more based on love and freedom. She’d rather hand out lavender-scented candles and do yoga than preach about fire and brimstone. In the end, the worst Petunia would do is convince her followers to become vegan anti-vaxxers.

6. Dr. Flurry

Anyone with a German accent is capable of starting and leading a doomsday cult, it’s basically built into their DNA. Whether they are human or just a gourd, all Germans should be viewed as suspicious. However, Dr. Flurry has softened over time and he is much more interested in tinkering with inventions these days rather than concociting a special potion for all his followers to drink so they can ascend to the afterlife.

5. The Peach (with Hair)

The Peach’s narcissism and deep-seated personality disorder make him a prime candidate for doomsday cult leadership. His overwhelming need for validation and admiration would drive him to establish a cult where he’s worshiped as a messianic figure. But beneath his charming exterior lies a dangerously unstable personality, prone to erratic behavior and delusions of grandeur. His behavior would include in increasingly extreme demands, from total loyalty to acts of self-sacrifice, all to feed his insatiable ego. As his grip on reality loosens, The Peach would lead his cult down a dark, destructive path, where his every whim becomes a divine command and his followers’ lives are mere tools for his self-glorification.

4. Junior Asparagus

Junior Asparagus’s innocence and fervor could be dangerously twisted into a cult leadership role. As a young and impressionable leader, he might genuinely believe he’s been chosen to guide others through the apocalypse. Surrounded by “yes men” who constantly affirm his every word, Junior would start to believe his own lies and messianic visions. His youthful zeal would draw followers into a world of blind faith and unquestioning obedience. As Junior becomes more convinced of his own infallibility, his demands would grow increasingly extreme, leading his cult down a dark path of self-destruction. His naivety, combined with his growing self-deception, would make him a particularly dangerous leader, unable to recognize the harm he’s causing until it’s far too late.

3. Mr. Lunt

Mr. Lunt’s smooth-talking ways and business acumen would make him a formidable cult leader. A nonbeliever himself, he’d see the Christian apocalypse as a prime opportunity to manipulate and profit, convincing his followers that he’s the key to their salvation. Under his leadership, the cult would become a well-oiled machine of exploitation, with Mr. Lunt at the helm, extracting every last possession and ounce of devotion from his flock. He’d sell salvation by the pound, all while keeping his true intentions hidden behind a charming smile. Believe the rapture comes, which is soon – he promises, he would make his followers work to the bone making “artesian” crafts, furniture, shed, and barns that he can sell at local farmers’ markets.

2. Archibald Asparagus

Archibald Asparagus is the epitome of rigidity and order, and it’s this obsession with control and strict adherence to scripture that makes him a prime candidate for doomsday cult leadership. Archibald would position himself as the ultimate authority on the Christian apocalypse, convinced that only his interpretation of the Bible is correct. His cult would be a tightly controlled society, with followers forced to comply with his every decree, no matter how extreme. Under his leadership, the cult would become a suffocating regime where any dissent is met with harsh punishment and, ultimately, total annihilation, all in the name of divine order.

1. Bob the Tomato

At the top of our list is Bob the Tomato, the character who’s always been the moral compass of VeggieTales. Bob’s unwavering faith and deep sense of responsibility could easily be twisted into a dangerous fervor. In his quest to save souls, he would come to believe that he is the chosen one, destined to lead his followers through the apocalypse. Bob’s sermons would grow increasingly intense, filled with scriptural imagery of the end times and promises of salvation for those who follow him without question. His conviction would drive his followers to extreme measures, from surrendering their possessions, breaking contact with their loved ones, even embracing mass suicide; all in the name of a better world beyond. Bob’s earnestness and unshakable faith make him the most likely to lead a doomsday cult, convinced that he’s doing God’s work, no matter the cost.