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Review: Circa Survive “Two Dreams”

Circa Survive are back with their double EP “Two Dreams” and we’re here to break it down for you whether you like it or not.

This new Circa Survive release is simply tremendous. From songs like “Imposter Syndrome” to “Electric Moose,” they really know how to play instruments and string together words. As you may know already, this thing is actually marketed as two EPs packaged as one whole release. Very sneaky, Circa.

While we’re at it we might as well note that this is also technically 15 separate singles all cemented on one offering. It all depends on how you look at it.

But it doesn’t stop there. It’s also approximately 45 verses and 15 choruses pressed on vinyl. Or if you really want to get pedantic, it’s 124 riffs, 3,450 words, and six total baselines compiled onto one digital download code, assuming it comes with one of those.

It’s also worth noting that this is 15 pre-choruses, 12 bridges, and another 11 outros together in one collection of music. And for all those who don’t mind spoilers, it’s exactly 352 G sharps, 426 A flats, 566 C sharps, and 201 A minors together at last on a single release.

We’d also be irresponsible if we didn’t mention that this album is essentially an amalgam of thousands of musical influences all wrapped into one band.

Not to mention, this entire piece of art is the result of 4.5 billion years of planetary evolution. After all, if it weren’t for Earth there would be no Circa Survive. And if there was no Circa Survive, this in-depth review would never have unfolded.

Long story short, there’s a whole lot going on in Circa Survive’s latest release and it’s far beyond what you might think, hear, or see with the naked eye. This release is just that good.

Score: 2 out of 2 EPs