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Six Songs We’re Listening To This Week That Aren’t Election Ads

Do you live in a swing state and wish you were dead from the relentless election ads? Skip all that shit (after filling out your mail-in ballot, of course) and listen to these to preserve the tenuous threads of your sanity.

High Vis “Worth the Wait”

English rockers High Vis dropped their third LP “Guided Tour” last weekend and we won’t lie, it’s been on repeat. “Worth the Wait” delivers a distinctly retro sound reminiscent of The Cure that is ideal for listening to on your lunch break while having a reward cigarette, perhaps in the rain for Maximum English. Show this one to your teen cousin who recently discovered Gang of Four. 


Blood Incantation “The Stargate [Tablet I]”

We admit it: sometimes we lie awake at night and wish that Rush was way, way heavier and not for nerds. And finally, our prayers have been answered by Blood Incantation’s truly insane new album “Absolute Elsewhere.” This 8-minute opening track covers the full range of the group’s self-described “psychedelic take on death metal,” featuring Deicide-style growls and double bass pedal one minute and 60s organ and a keytar solo the next. Your dad would love at least half of this. 


Anxious “Counting Sheep”

Connecticut-based emo outfit Anxious is due to drop their second full-length this winter, and if the lead single “Counting Sheep” is any indication of the quality, we are really looking forward to it. It’s hard to put a unique spin on a genre that’s been argued about and meme’d upon for decades, but Anxious pulls it off with a mix of All Time Low synths, Taking Back Sunday singing, and a cheeky little gang vocal hook that we can’t get out of our skull. We highly recommend this one for your 2000’s-themed house party with a 9:30 p.m. curfew. 


Fucked Up “Stimming”

Genuine question–does this count as folk punk, and if so, is this the song that finally makes us “get” it? “Stimming” opens with an ungodly good guitar hook and quickly turns from jazzy-quirky to something almost like Murder By Death meets Fleet Foxes, except the guy from Baroness is on the mic. It’s hard to describe what exactly about this sonically massive song makes it so intensely listenable, but it’s got us in its grasp for certain.


Scowl “Special”

Santa Cruz punk crew Scowl consistently releases banger after banger, and “Special” is no exception. Singer Kat Moss expertly delivers both disaffected yet crystal clear clean vocals and absolutely brutal screams over a deeply catchy backdrop that keeps you in the groove, but throws a few surprises your way as well. This one has us asking: “Turnstile who?”


Flagman “Hot Off the Log”

We here at The Hard Times have vowed to improve our writing by comparing bands to other bands less frequently. Today is not that day, because we need to introduce you to Flagman, the unholy lovechild of Primus, System of a Down, and Methwitch. Their album “Tastes Incredible,” featuring the fucking shredder “Hot Off the Log,” also has weird little Khruangbin interludes and a general Zappa-ness about it. What the fuck is this? Why is it so good? Why can’t we stop talking about it? Can someone help?

Behold: hours and hours of music to keep you distracted.