Love him or hate him, there will only ever be one GG Allin (hopefully). Here is a compilation of some of the craziest facts about punk’s most divisive turd-slinger, because everything written about him reads like satire anyway.
Real Name

GG Allin’s birth name was Jesus Christ, named after the words he screamed when exiting his mother’s womb. The midwife was so stunned that she swallowed her own tongue, producing a guttural groan that would inspire his shortened name, “GG”.
Psychic Child
As a baby, his father believed that Allin would have incredible powers. Baby GG then proved his father right as he predicted his own future by constantly shitting himself.
Musical Inspiration
Hank Williams was his idol and they relished in each other’s mutual admiration. In a funny circle-of-life moment, the Hank Williams-covering Walmart yodel kid claimed in a recent interview that his biggest musical inspiration is GG Allin.
Bald is Beautiful
Allin adopted his signature bald look after shaving his head at a wild celebration party for Donald Trump firing his 500th employee. The leftover hair was kept by Trump and is still woven into his toupees to this day.
Tattoo Trouble
He would spend 4.5 hours each day applying his famous lick ‘n’ stick tattoos, none of which he could commit to permanently due to his debilitating fear of needles.
Straight Edge 4 Life?
Allin famously lived a prosperous Straight Edge lifestyle throughout much of his twenties, refusing any substances and berating those who offered them to him. Until eventually he realized he just wasn’t ready to take on the day before his morning cup of Joe!
Party Pooper
He debuted his infamous trick of defecating on stage in 1985. This was actually an accident, as he had eaten some bad fish tacos before the gig, but Allin played it off as intentional and was forced to repeat the act throughout his career to avoid the embarrassment of admitting he had unintentionally shat himself in public.
Scat Clap
Gary Glitter was enamored by Allin’s antics and used the sound of him shitting in his hands and clapping in the background of ‘Rock n Roll pt. 2’
Alternate Life
When asked what he would be if he wasn’t a punk rock menace, Allin stated he wanted to be a policeman, the people he looked up to most in society. In his will, he even left a large portion of his wealth to the NYPD, which they used to top up their supply of incriminating evidence.
Mixed Reviews
The most insufferable punks you know will recall seeing Allin live with great fondness, while others would dispute that just entering the venue ruined their life. But shockingly, despite hundreds of punks of a certain vintage claiming to have survived a GG Allin gig, he never actually performed a single live show.
Rest in Poop
Allin was buried with a bottle of Jim Beam as he had requested prior to his death. Pretty cool! He was also buried with a soul that was destined to hell for the disgusting way he lived his life.