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I Don’t See Color, but I Refuse to Let a Physical Limitation Stop Me from Being Racist

Chances are good that when you meet a new person the first thing you notice is their race. Well, not me. You see, I don’t see color. When I look at a crowd of people I don’t see black people and white people and middle eastern people, I just see human beings. However, I refuse to let my disability impact my day to day life.

I may be colorblind but I refuse to let that stop me from being a huge racist.

You see, I have rod monochromacy, which causes the inability to distinguish any color accompanied by light sensitivity and generally poor vision resulting from non-functioning or absent retinal cones. When I was 6 years old my pediatrician, Dr. Patel, told me that I had this rare and horrible condition and explained that it meant I would never see color the way everyone else does. But I’ll be damned if I’m gonna let some Indian tell me what I can’t do.

It’s been an uphill battle. When I started I couldn’t tell who I should like and who I should hate without the assistance of a volunteer Klansman. Now, thanks to social media, I can simply take a picture of someone, ask the Internet what color they are, and get an answer sometimes in under a minute!

Researchers are working on new glasses that could allow people like me to see color. That would be amazing. I’m tired of pretending that I believe other races to be genetically inferior. Frankly I’ve accidentally gotten to know quite a few black people due to my condition and, overall, I like them. But until that day I will carry the banner of white nationalism with pride, because handicapped people need to know that with enough determination there is nothing they can’t accomplish.

Oh, I mean, you know, if they’re white. Haha, I keep forgetting that part.

Article by (No credit please!)
Ed. – No problem, Rich!