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That’s Really All It Took?! We Got This Guy To Stop Supporting Trump by Mocking Him With a Fake Whip Noise

Trump supporters are notorious for their undying loyalty to their creamsicle god. The idea that Trump could shoot someone on 5th avenue and not lose any votes seems so real. That’s why it was so shocking to us when we got this guy to stop supporting Trump just by making that fake whip noise you use when you make fun of your buddy for being whipped. Like how the hell did this work?

We got into a conversation with this guy we’ll refer to as ‘Jeff’ on account of that being his name. He was ranting about some inane border conspiracy and how Trump was the only one who could save us from trans-hamas-socialist-fascist-satanic illegals crossing the border. I told him his devotion to Trump showed how whipped he really was and started going “fwi-tch” while snapping my wrist. Every time he tried to speak I would call him whipped and do it again. To my shock, he finally said he’s going to prove me wrong and not vote for Trump anymore!

Like when I first started doing it he got mad and said he was going to beat my ass. I told him he could try but he couldn’t beat me any harder than Trump already whips his ass before snapping my wrist a few more times and this caused Jeff to turn redder than his hat.

He went into this long diatribe about how much Biden sucks and tried to say that Biden had my ass whipped. The problem was that all I did was agree with him every time he said Biden sucks. That certainly made some wires come loose because he couldn’t understand that I don’t have the same undying devotion to Biden that he does to his non-safe word word-respecting dominatrix daddy T.

I finally told him he wasn’t his own man anymore and that his ass should get branded with the Trump logo already because it’s clearly Donald’s property. Like if someone wanted Trump steaks they don’t have to go to the Sharper Image anymore because they could just get some of Jeff’s ass because it’s clearly Trump’s property. That was the final straw apparently.

Anyway I don’t know who Jeff is going to vote for now but he swears he’s not going to vote for Trump anymore. I don’t know maybe I can get him to not vote for Ted Cruz next by saying I can’t hear him because his mouth is too full of Ted’s cock. The possibilities are endless!