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Opinion: Eye Roll, Jerk-Off Motion

Iwill agree with you that I may not know much about the current events or the history that shaped them but it won’t stop me from arguing with you about it. Sure you may have made a compelling oral argument but please allow me to counter with a crude non-vocal opinion of my own.

Eye roll. Jerk-off motion.

Not convinced? Maybe I’ll throw in a sharp “psh” and then pantomime giving oral pleasure while pressing my tongue against my cheeks. Good luck rebutting that with an article you read in The Economist.

Oh very sharp using something I once said against me. Perhaps that I why I keep my responses silent. I don’t need the power of the spoken language to make my point like less-intelligent creatures such as yourself. Allow me to parry with by pretending to make myself vomit. Your witness counselor.

Okay, okay, sure you have the annals of history on your side but please allow me to whip my arms up in disgust as if somehow you are the ignorant one. And now I am going to point at you and but not say anything like I can’t get a word in edgewise. If I am feeling really saucey I might just puff up my cheeks and blow a stream of air.

Now I am just going to shake my head ‘No’ at you vigorously even though you aren’t really saying anything that warrants that response. Truth be told I stop listening to you minutes ago as I formulated my next brilliant gesture.

So come at me with your research, and your facts but I got two things right here that can’t be debated.

Both middle fingers extend.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I am going to stand up and walk away in frustration. Check and mate.