Donald Trump’s running mate Mike Pence has been in the news a lot lately. Coincidentally, The Misfits recently reunited for the first time in 30 years. We really feel like there is something here. Would you be interested in seeing Mike Pence Photoshopped into a picture of the Misfits?
Below, you’ll find two pictures we picked for the Photoshop. We feel like we could probably Photoshop Mike Pence directly into the Misfits either as a fifth member of the band, or just right onto Glenn Danzig’s head. Provided, of course, that you would be into that sort of thing.

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Is this a thing? The Pence-fits. We think maybe a stylized version of the Misfits logo with Mike Pence’s name in there somewhere would go really well with the Photoshop. You people love shit like that right? OOH! The Mis-Pence. That one is actually a lot better.
Or, hear us out. We thought maybe Mike Pence as the iconic Crimson Ghost would be good. Admittedly, this is a much tougher Photoshop job, but it would be worth it if you all would be into it. We would definitely not give you Mike Pence as the Crimson Ghost if reception is lukewarm.
We actually can’t source a picture of the recent Misfits reunion because Danzig is weird about pictures. Do you think it’d work with an old picture, or is that a deal breaker?
We could make some joke about how he’s religious but now he’s with demons — you know? The caption for the post could be like, “MOMMY, CAN I GO OUT AND DEBATE TONIGHT?” The more we’ve been talking about it the better of an idea it sounds, do you agree?
We don’t know how to make polls yet, so please contact us on Twitter at @REALPunkNews and sound off in the comments using #ITurnedIntoAPolitician to let us know!
OOH what about Penn Danzig?