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I Don’t Know Who Needs to Hear This But You are Brave, You are Beautiful, and You are About to be Hit by a Car

They say that you should be kind to all people because everyone is fighting an invisible war that you know nothing about, but what about the people fighting highly visible wars? Don’t they deserve our love, compassion, and sympathy just as much?

To the total stranger across the street from me right now I want you to know that no matter how down on yourself you get, no matter how many times you fall short of your goals, and no matter how small this world can make you feel, you are a beautiful soul, you are a warrior, and you matter. Also, you are about to be hit by a drunk driver.

I don’t know who you are but you are a luminous being. You are loved, you are heard, and you don’t need to prove anything to anybody, save for perhaps proof of insurance to the hospital should you be conscious after that car hits you.

When I first saw you across the street and realized the impending nature of the accident you are about to be in I thought to myself, “Now there is someone in need of a self-worth check.” I did what any progressive-minded person should do in that situation: I took to my blog.

Make no mistake, this car accident is going to happen. Even if I were to yell “Hey, look out!” to you right now instead of typing up this blog, which I could definitely do because you are totally within earshot, it would probably be too late. You are getting hit by that car and you can’t change that. What you CAN change is how you REACT to being hit by that car.

Instead of saying: “Holy shit that car is about to hit me, I’m so dumb for chasing that quarter that rolled out into the street and got stuck on some gum!”
Say: I am learning to be more frugal, and it’s okay if there are some bumps along the way!

Instead of saying: “I deserve this for being such an idiot!”
Say: “I deserve love and respect, even if I sometimes make mistakes!”

Instead of saying: “I am flying through the air from that car hitting me and will likely die on impact.”
Say: “Weeee! This is fun!”

I pray that this post will reach you in time, but even if it doesn’t, I don’t care. I just need to say that you are a glorious ray of light and I hope that you never forget it, even as you are propelled through the air by that speeding Buick, having been knocked right out of your shoes which, yes, does actually happen. I’ve seen a lot of accidents.