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How Going Broke Helped Me Get Sober

Hitting the bottle a little too hard? It seems everyone is getting on the wagon these days and the general consensus is that ‘sober’ isn’t such a bad word as long as you’re not straight edge!

Sober is the new cool. Or whatever word replaced cool 20 years ago when I stopped learning new slang. But whatever reason you have to want to better yourself, run with it! Personally, for me, it was going broke.

I’ve had a rough go this month. I lost my job bartending at The Vacuum. It wasn’t my fault though. Ownership changed and they started making up all these weird rules about ‘letting in minors’ and ‘serving minors’ and ‘drinking with minors.’ I hate to see a Baltimore staple losing it’s charm so I had to quit. But it’s not all bad- going broke helped me take some time to myself and really reflect on who I am as a person. I’ve spent so much time at home just thinking. Mostly because I can’t afford to go out.

Now, after twelve days sober – minus the little bit of THC I have left in my stepdad’s vape pen along with a few nugs I got from my former Vacuum Room manager Gary – I can say this whole ‘not having money’ thing has been the most effective system for staying sober.

I’d recommend this to anyone out there struggling with addiction. In fact, now you can be a part of my upward journey by donating to my Patreon page for my new podcast “Sob (pronounced “Sew-b) Stories.” Donate now.