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Aw I Got Fuckin’ Paint on My Brand New Carhartt Shirt!

Just because I’m a workin’ man doesn’t mean I don’t want to be fashionable. And these long days as a salt-of-the-earth camera assistant on fashion photoshoots sure do take their toll. But I didn’t rock this sick new Carhartt shirt thinking some gross painter would splatter me! If I had received a little heads up that the mansion we’re shooting in was under renovation, I would’ve worn a more work-appropriate shirt.

And can ya believe the painter himself was in Carhartt?! Actually, a lot of the guys working on this house are dressed in it too. But the Carhartt on all these electricians, carpenters, and painters was stretched, torn, and mad faded. They must have some pretty rich parents if they can afford to treat brand-name clothes like that. Personally, I don’t judge but I doubt the fine people at Carhartt would appreciate their products being disrespected by entire trades.

See, we all rock Carhartt on set. That’s why when the rest of our crew saw the paint on my shirt, I had to reassure them that it was caused by some negligent, rich-boy painter who didn’t give a fuck about my, or his, fashionable clothing.

Remember in Zoolander when Ben Zoolander tried to work with his dad and brothers in that coal mine? And how he didn’t fit in due to his own ego and lack of perspective? Some people are so oblivious to how they come across. Granted, that has nothing to do with this situation. I just kept getting reminded of that scene today.